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What's New in Vertex G4 2024

 Vertex G4 2024 New Features

  • 3D part numbering

    Locate 3D BOM markers in the model In version 29, you have been able to number parts in the model. Now, you can also place part number balloons in the model.

  • Annotaatiotasojen vapaa muodostaminen ja paikoitus

    Luo omia annotaatotasoja kappaleen geometrian perusteella Mittojen ja merkintöjen sijoittaminen malliin onnistuu nyt vapaisiin tasoihin. Voit itse määritellä annotaatiotasot ja nimetä ne. Näin voit myös hallita piirustukseen siirrettäviä merkintöjä projektiokohtaisesti. Tämä uusi toiminnallisuus mahdollistaa aiempaa huomattavasti monipuolisemman mittojen ja merkintöjen sijoittamisen ja piirustuksen projektioihin sitomisen.

  • Changing Different Types of Parts

    Replacing Different Types of Parts with Another Part The function has been developed to simplify replacing different types of parts with another part. For example, if an assembly contains various types of fasteners and you want to replace them with a uniform type, this is now possible! This makes it easier to standardize the structure of your model.

  • Design Automation options

    Design Automation options have been changed There is now only one design automation option instead of the previous three. Most of the automation commands are now standard in Vertex G4. G4 allows running the automator from the command line.

  • Design Automation Tools in Dimension Table

    In the Python code of the measurement table, you can control all design automation functions Previously, the product automation system of Vertex G4 was implemented with an external user interface. With version 2024, design automation commands were largely integrated into basic features, and improvements were made to the Python code of the measurement table, allowing execution of measurement table commands directly from a Python program. Now, you can implement automated systems, for example, for sales purposes.

  • Drawing Support for Template Documents

    Drawing Template Documents You can now use base documents with true 2D drawings or select a base document when creating a drawing. The base document defines the drawing's properties and projections, ensuring consistency across company documents and saving time in the drawing creation process.

  • Export/Import file formats

    You can now read files that adhere to latest industry standards Vertex now supports STEP AP 242 and IFC4 file formats. For STEP, only reading is available, while for IFC4, both reading and writing are supported. -

  • Feature Recognitition

    Identify chamfer and fillet chains as well as other shapes in imported parts G4's feature recognition is a tool for selecting surfaces. Recognition starts from the user's chosen surface(s). The surfaces identified as the same feature remain selected, and other G4 functions, such as the 'Surfaces' menu tools, can be applied to them. -

  • Hitsimerkinnät 3D:ssä

    Nyt voit lisätä hitsimerkintöjä 3D:ssä Version 31 myötä MBD-välilehdelle on tuotu myös hitsimerkinnnät. Voit tehdä hitsejä 3D:ssä ja hyödyntää mallinnettujen hitsien tietoja. 3D-hitsimerkinnät osaavat laskea pituutensa mallista ja niitä voidaan nostaa piirustuksiin kuten kaikkia muitakin MBD-merkintöjä. 3D-hitsimerkintöjä voit hyödyntää esimerkiksi hitsausrobotin ratojen ohjelmoinnissa.

  • Luonnosten ja aputasojen paikoitus

    Aputasojen ja luonnosten paikoitus ehdoilla Luonnosten ja aputasojen paikoitus on aiemmin tehty antamalla niille transformaatiomatriisi, eli siirtymä ja kiertymä numeerisina arvoina. Etenkin varioituvien osien kanssa tästä on voinut aiheutua paikoitusongelmia. Näistä onglemista pääset eroon paikoittamalla luonnokset ja aputasot ehtojen avulla. Käytössäsi on samat ehdot kuin 3D-luonnostimessa.

  • Mallirakenteen taustapäivitys

    Voit jatkaa työskentelyä mallin rakenteen ja piirustusten päivityksen aikana Varsinkin isojen kokoonpanojen kanssa työskennellessä piirustusten päivitys on aikaa vievä toiminto. Nyt voit jättää mallin piirustusten päivityksen tehtäväksi toisella ytimellä ja jatkaa työskentelyä. Hyödynnä säästynyt aika vaikka uuden innovointiin!

  • Managing Auxiliary Planes

    Managing Auxiliary Planes Auxiliary planes are a powerful tool, but locating them in models has often been challenging. Now, new features make finding and using them much simpler. With improved management, you can better leverage auxiliary planes in modeling and assembly constraints.

  • Model Based Definition

    Model Based Definition is now a part of Vertex G4 Model-Based Definition (MBD) is a way of conveying functional product information through a 3D model. The idea is to move towards drawingless manufacturing. Vertex G4 now extensively supports product information presented in 3D. -

  • Multipage drawings

    New features added to multipage drawings Now it's possible to collect the part list for a multi-page drawing form-specifically. You can also delete or move the form so that its projections follow along.

  • Piirteen tiedot 3D-malliin

    Esitä piirteen tiedot MBD -merkintänä Jos käytät paljon työstöjä esimerkiksi lohkosuunnittelun kanssa tai teet ohutlevyjä, saat nyt piirteen tiedot nostettua kätevästi malliin. Tuotteen valmistaminen nopeutuu, kun tarvittavat tiedot ovat katselupäättellä heti käytettävissä.

  • Predictive User Interface

    AI helps you to choose the correct tool in every occasion In G4, the floating auxiliary toolbar adapts to the modeling situation and suggests a tool that is likely to be the most suitable for use in that specific modeling situation. You no longer need to search for functions in menus; they are brought forward as you need them.

  • Presenting Machining Features

    Mark Machined Surfaces on the Part Machining features are versatile tools when working with assembly models. With the new function, you can display the machining tools in the assembly model, hide them, and highlight the machined surfaces. This way, you can easily identify which surfaces have been shaped by other parts.

  • Profile cutting list with images

    Profile cutting list with images now updates like other drawings Now you can add an cutting list with images to the drawing list. It updates and behaves like a regular drawing, so your cutting list stays up-to-date.

  • Reference part

    Simplify the management of auxiliary geometry with the reference part concept The control part is a concept that allows you to define a part solely as a control or auxiliary geometry-containing part. The idea of a control part is to be auxiliary geometry that enables you to control, for example, the placements of assembly components. When using skeleton techniques, the skeleton is precisely a typical control part.

  • Renaming a Dimension Variable

    Change the dimension variable name throughout the entire model hierarchy. Have you ever encountered a misnamed dimension? You can now easily fix this issue through the dimension table. This saves time by avoiding unnecessary recalculations and clarifies variability issues within the model. By doing so, you speed up the reuse of models and reduce errors.

  • Reversing the Hidden State Mode

    Easily toggle the hidden state. Save time when creating appearances by quickly toggling the hidden state. Often, you need to work with hidden parts. Now you can easily reverse the hidden state, allowing you to focus on concealed elements. This functionality is especially useful when modeling appearances and speeding up work with shapes inside the model.

  • Saving a Part from an Assembly

    Control the default behavior for saving a part Depending on the workspace, saving a part as a new file may have previously required extra clicks. Now, the default behavior can be adjusted, reducing errors in the design process.

  • Selecting Parts Using the Search Function

    Selecting parts from the tree is easier than ever. The previous search function (Ctrl-F) has been improved to allow selecting multiple parts instead of just one. Search criteria can be applied to multiple fields. When performing a search, you can choose whether to select the first match or all parts that meet the search criteria. No more wasting time manually searching for parts in the model!

  • Simplified Explosion Modelling

    The explosion tool is now more user-friendly The explosion dialog no longer includes animation creation and saving. Additionally, moving parts to exploded positions is now simpler and faster through a streamlined dialog. Full functionality is still available under the "Advanced" option.

  • Simultaneous Animation of Multiple Conditions

    Animate multiple conditions simultaneously. Previously, you could animate your assemblies by setting limits for numerical conditions. Now, you can animate multiple conditions simultaneously.

  • Sketch Groups

    Easily Duplicate Shapes with Sketch Groups In sketch mode, you can effortlessly create groups to streamline your design process. Sketch groups are simple to copy, and you can establish links between their geometries. This means that when you modify one group, all linked groups automatically update to match. Additionally, sketch groups can be positioned as a single block, making placement straightforward and saving valuable time during the design phase.

  • Smart constraint tool in sketch

    There is now an intelligent constraint tool in sketcher, similar to the one in assemblies In the sketcher, there is now an intelligent condition tool corresponding to assemblies. With the intelligent condition in the sketcher, you can easily define your sketches with a single action. Additionally, copying holes to similar corners is now easily achievable.

  • Standarditaulukot

    Voit helposti selvittää, mitkä mitoitus- ja merkintästandardit ohjaavat mallia Mallia rakennettaessa tulee helposti tehtyä useita erilaisia MBD -merkintöjä. Selvittääksesi mitkä merkinnät ohjaavat mallin valmistamista, voit lisätä malliin standarditaulukon. Stnadarditaulukossa on lueteltuna kaikki merkinnät, joita malli käyttää. Tämä tieto helpottaa toimimista alihankkijoiden kanssa.

  • Tee pyöristys offsetilla

    Tee oikeanlainen pyöristys valmistukseen Pyöristysdialogiin on lisätty offset pyöristysviivan molempiin päihin. Näin voit mallintaa tarkemmin valmistusta noudattavia muotoja.

  • Template Documents

    Create similar models using template documents When copying the model from a previous project and modifying it, you also duplicate any problems and errors that were present in the original. Vertex G4 now enables an easy way to create reusable, high-quality geometry using template documents.

  • Uudet mitan tarkistustyökalut

    Tarkasta mittoja mallinnuksen aikana Mallintaessasi joudut usein tarkastemelemaan mittoja. Mitan tarkastustyökaluja on nyt kehitetty siten, että viivaketjujen ja pintojen mittaaminen on entistä yksinkertaisempaa. Säästät aikaa, kun enää ei tarvitse valita reunaviivoja yksitellen.

  • Uudet mitoitustyökalut

    Mitoita helposti 3D:ssä uusilla mittatyökaluilla Kaikki 3D-mitat on uudistettu. Vanha mittadialogi jää tulevaisuudessa historiaan, ja voit hyödyntää kaikkia uusia tekstiominaisuuksia 3D-mitoituksessa. MItat toimivat paremmin ja niiden hallinta on helppoa annotaatiotasoja käyttäen.

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