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What's New in Vertex G4

 Vertex G4 2024 New Features

  • 3D part numbering

    Locate 3D BOM markers in the model In version 29, you have been able to number parts in the model. Now, you can also place part number balloons in the model.

  • Design Automation options

    Design Automation options have been changed There is now only one design automation option instead of the previous three. Most of the automation commands are now standard in Vertex G4. G4 allows running the automator from the command line.

  • Design Automation Tools in Dimension Table

    In the Python code of the measurement table, you can control all design automation functions Previously, the product automation system of Vertex G4 was implemented with an external user interface. With version 2024, design automation commands were largely integrated into basic features, and improvements were made to the Python code of the measurement table, allowing execution of measurement table commands directly from a Python program. Now, you can implement automated systems, for example, for sales purposes.

  • Export/Import file formats

    You can now read files that adhere to latest industry standards Vertex now supports STEP AP 242 and IFC4 file formats. For STEP, only reading is available, while for IFC4, both reading and writing are supported. -

  • Feature Recognitition

    Identify chamfer and fillet chains as well as other shapes in imported parts G4's feature recognition is a tool for selecting surfaces. Recognition starts from the user's chosen surface(s). The surfaces identified as the same feature remain selected, and other G4 functions, such as the 'Surfaces' menu tools, can be applied to them. -

  • Model Based Definition

    Model Based Definition is now a part of Vertex G4 Model-Based Definition (MBD) is a way of conveying functional product information through a 3D model. The idea is to move towards drawingless manufacturing. Vertex G4 now extensively supports product information presented in 3D. -

  • Multipage drawings

    New features added to multipage drawings Now it's possible to collect the part list for a multi-page drawing form-specifically. You can also delete or move the form so that its projections follow along.

  • Predictive User Interface

    AI helps you to choose the correct tool in every occasion In G4, the floating auxiliary toolbar adapts to the modeling situation and suggests a tool that is likely to be the most suitable for use in that specific modeling situation. You no longer need to search for functions in menus; they are brought forward as you need them.

  • Profile cutting list with images

    Profile cutting list with images now updates like other drawings Now you can add an cutting list with images to the drawing list. It updates and behaves like a regular drawing, so your cutting list stays up-to-date.

  • Reference part

    Simplify the management of auxiliary geometry with the reference part concept The control part is a concept that allows you to define a part solely as a control or auxiliary geometry-containing part. The idea of a control part is to be auxiliary geometry that enables you to control, for example, the placements of assembly components. When using skeleton techniques, the skeleton is precisely a typical control part.

  • Smart constraint tool in sketch

    There is now an intelligent constraint tool in sketcher, similar to the one in assemblies In the sketcher, there is now an intelligent condition tool corresponding to assemblies. With the intelligent condition in the sketcher, you can easily define your sketches with a single action. Additionally, copying holes to similar corners is now easily achievable.

  • Template Documents

    Create similar models using template documents When copying the model from a previous project and modifying it, you also duplicate any problems and errors that were present in the original. Vertex G4 now enables an easy way to create reusable, high-quality geometry using template documents.

Updating Vertex G4 2024 Main Version

This is how you get the new version in use

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