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Standard tables

Find dimensioning and annotation standards from the model.

You can easily determine which dimensioning and annotation standards govern the model.

When building a model, various MBD annotations are often created. To determine which annotations govern the manufacturing of the model, you can add a standard table to the model. The standard table lists all the annotations used in the model, making it easier to collaborate with subcontractors.Standarditaulukon lisääminen mallipohjaan

On the MBD tab, you will find the "Standard Table" button, which allows you to add a standard table to the model template. It searches for all annotations used in the model and lists them.


Drawing Standard Table

Similarly, you can create a standard table for the drawing. This function is available in the mechanical design annotation menu. However, note that the 2D function lists only the annotations displayed in the 2D drawing, not the annotations from the model.


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