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Background Update for Model Structure

Leave time-consuming operations to the computer

You can continue working while the model structure and drawings are being updated

Especially when working with large assemblies, updating drawings can be a time-consuming process. Now, you can delegate the drawing update to another core and continue working. Use the saved time for new innovations!

Interrupting a Long Drawing Update

A new option has been added to interrupt the drawing update. If your drawing contains many projections and complex geometry, the update process can take a long time. Now, you can stop the update at any time by clicking the "Cancel" button in the progress bar.

Automatic Background Update for Drawings

When you make changes to a model and close it, the program will prompt you with a dialog asking if you want to update the model’s drawings in the background. If you check "Do not ask again", your choice will be remembered until Vertex G4 is closed.

Once the model is closed, you can continue working while the drawings update automatically in the background.


If you want to update the structure interactively, you can select "Update Hierarchy" from the "Other Functions" menu. This function processes the entire model hierarchy, including all subassemblies.


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