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Add a New Profile to a Cross Section Library

  1. Select Edit Cross Sections in Profile menu in System tab

  2. Choose the library to update and press OK.

  3. A floating tool bar Edit will pop up, select Cross section library.

  4. Right click in Cross Section Library window opens a menu, select Copy row to add a new profile.

  5. A new row of Cross Section Library is marked in blue color, make changes on this line.

    Note that if you do not wish to add a parametric profile, the cross section name will most likely be unique. A parametric profile is one that 

    is stretched to suit the dimensions in No.8. A non-parametric profile is inserted exactly as drawn. For non-parametric profiles, skip steps 

    7 and 8 and go to step 9.

  6. Fill Code field in the page 1 and check all the other pages and update profile values if needed.

  7. Click on the Cross section parameters library to update parametric values of the profile. If the profile cross section is defined in a vector drawing (*.vxp) in Cross Section Accurate and Cross Section Coarse fields, parameters database is empty and next steps cannot be accomplished.

  8. Fill empty values in Cross section parameters database and press OK.

  9. Only continue with these steps if you are adding non-parametric profiles.
    That is, each profile size will have its own drawing. The Cross Section Library might look something like this.

    The highlighted row has been added, as above, but has been given a new name. Note that in the example above,
    the same drawing file has been used for profiles with the same overall dimensions but different steel thicknesses.
    However, all drawings could just as easily be unique.
  10. As mentioned, you will not enter any information into the Cross Section Parameters Library. Instead, in explorer,
    find the profile library. For the above example, this is \custom\proflibrary\HW_TOPHATS
  11. Copy one of the existing .vxp files and rename it to what you called it in the Cross Section Library in step 9.
  12. Drag and drop the new .vxp file into Vertex. The cross section drawing will open. You can now edit it to the required dimensions.
    I generally just stretch everything, but you can draw lines etc if you want it to be very accurate. There are a couple of things to remember.

    1. Make sure that the center of the profile is over the 0,0 cross mark. This is the insertion point used by Vertex.
    2. The only thing that is absolutely necessary in the drawing is the hatch pattern. 
      The hatch is what defines the profile, not the lines or polylines. If you delete it, make sure you put it back.

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