Release notes 1.0.0-alpha.1
Version 1.0.0-alpha.1 release date 03.02.2023
Template files are not shown in user interface if user does not want to see them
The new system ensures the data synchronization from Vertex CAD does not corrupt data in Sync even something unexpected would happen, like network error. System guarantees the user can get a complete building from Sync even other designer is working on the building plan and even uploading new content.
Improved the overall usability of the system by speeding it up
Content download and all data list responsive times are improved. System responsiveness is overall much better without unnecessary wait times.
Thumbnails and preview pictures for files
Object uploaded from CAD gets automatically a preview files and thumbnails. On other object user can add preview files manually. System generates thumbnails automatically.TODO
Type icons are added to type chips to separate them from the user created one. Icons separate basic system type labels from the user made custom one. The default type for object added can be adjusted in administrator portal.
Read more about Labeling.
Improved the overall usability of the system by speeding it up
Multi selection of objects is improved. Selecting multiple objects widely known crtl- and shift- button features.
Read more about selecting objects
Read more about Copy, move and link objects
Read more about Recycle bin
Improved the overall usability of the system by speeding it up
Browse object's events history in user interface. All event's like updates, downloads, locking and many more are shown in objects event history. All events concerning objects are show in the object's page on the clock menu.
Objects are not saved unnecessary anymore
Object change detection while editing the content is improved. System recognizes situations where the data in the object fields is changed and changed back to original by the user. In such cases the system does not give warning and prompt to save anymore. This reduces the amount of unwanted changes to objects and user's know when actual changes have been made to the objects.
Read more about editing objects
Reservation, Overwrite Lock and Revision lock
Reservation, Lock and Revision lock in Sync. Different lock functions allow you to protect data in Sync according to the design and needs of the organization. To protect objects from unwanted changes, lock them with Lock and/or Revision lock.
Read more about Revisions
Revisions act like stored versions of the object. The system guarantees that the old revision remains as it was when the new revision was created. The old revision cannot be changed, but you can open and copy it.
All objects can be revised. The user has an opportunity to prevent the creation of a new revision. In such a case, all changes made to the object must be made to the current revision overwriting it.
If the object is locked, you can make a new revision of it and continue working with the new revision.
All updates for this release
CS-1028 Start ACL implementation
CS-1057 Implement base system for notifications to front end.
CS-1066 Allow Entity to have only two files at most
CS-1307 Plan thumbnail generation system architecture
CS-1394 Make the branching functionality ready to merge
CS-1398 Make sonarcloud scan work with event service, including code coverage
CS-1471 General FileService improvements & refactoring
CS-1472 Dotnet based microservices improvements & refactoring
CS-1477 Review and redesign Position aware pagination UI
CS-1491 Fix snyk found vulnerabilities in file service
CS-1496 General EntityService improvements & refactoring
CS-1549 Remove the current thumbnail creation system
CS-1550 Investigate and choose thumbnailer library or -ies to replace the current one
CS-1565 Refactor Entity management
CS-1592 Restore old label filtering behaviour with the new lazy load
CS-1629 Unify events, notification and revision fonts and style
CS-1641 Minor fixes for version 1.0-alpha1
CS-1655 Postman tests for EntityService operation blocking
CS-1656 EntityService Postman tests fails in pipeline
CS-1662 Configure C# microservices to handle enum CASE correctly
CS-1682 Refactor notificationHub to support multiple independent connections
CS-1683 Add deployment to staging to thumbnailservice pipeline
CS-737 Implement back end support for new partial load for objects.
CS-1124 Retrieving user info should return last login time
CS-1144 Position aware partial object load fronted support
CS-1168 Differentiate new object created in copy
CS-1311 Keycloak emails sender should be Vertex Sync
CS-1344 Redirect user to Sync service after Keycloak profile update
CS-1426 Refactor and fix vulnerable email validation
CS-1460 Login frequency should be lower
CS-1500 Snackbar flashes multiple times and no progress indicator when uploading
CS-1502 Object and user data is not saved unnecessary
CS-1518 Make ResultDTO generic
CS-1525 Add multiple entity support to delete entity endpoint
CS-1529 API calls to find branches from the server
CS-1530 System to create a branch from a branch
CS-1546 Favourite object's new revision should be automatically favourite too.
CS-1552 E-mail change with verification, back end support
CS-1554 Refactor object context menus
CS-1555 Implement type chips with icons
CS-1601 Create multi-Entity get endpoint
CS-1606 Implement a shared user avatar component
CS-1613 Improve Copy feature
CS-1642 Front end entity locking system improvements
CS-1651 Remove used disk space information from menu
CS-1296 Downloading zip with multiple files returns corrupted files
CS-1310 Linking objects together doesn't work as expected
CS-1345 User's string lists return 404 when using Sync for the first time
CS-1352 Change password button doesn't work
CS-1395 undefined.svg is not showing correctly
CS-1423 Create users endpoint returns users with empty ID fields
CS-1432 Label attributes can't be edited, If a label has no description
CS-1434 Closing edit mode from the cancel button won't open the discard changes dialog although there are unsaved changes
CS-1436 Downloading objects should not download preview images.
CS-1438 Delete label dialog is broken on mobile devices
CS-1439 Main view and recycle bin filters affects each other.
CS-1440 Label icons with a long label name are not shown correctly
CS-1444 Substitute deleted label do not work
CS-1445 Sorting do not sort labels
CS-1446 Label management view's background color
CS-1447 Occasionally the save button on label editing opens the discard changes dialog and throws user to the login
CS-1449 Last label row buttons' unusable
CS-1451 Quotation marks in a label name/description breaks the label
CS-1453 Remove edit and three dot menu buttons while in other user's profile view
CS-1454 Changing email gives an error
CS-1455 Active field should be read only outside the admin portal.
CS-1456 Edit image button is visible when viewing other peoples profiles.
CS-1457 Modifying user profile creates duplicate items to users item-lists
CS-1459 Resetting password gives an error and opens blank screen
CS-1462 Entity connection stays after move
CS-1463 Move and link dialogs break when window is dragged smaller
CS-1464 Moving an object under itself & under the same parent is possible
CS-1465 SVG icon colors are wrong in the move dialog with the dark theme
CS-1466 Style issue fixes to search bar in move dialog
CS-1467 Fix bugs induced by saving tenant into the local-storage
CS-1468 Sometimes the admin is returned back to the main view after trying to login into the admin portal
CS-1484 Front end reload opens a login dialog even if the token is valid
CS-1485 User invitation view input/validation bugs
CS-1487 EventService improvements, get author, timestamp and other event properties that are available from server
CS-1488 File references don't work correctly with branched entities
CS-1489 Labels are not updated in branched entities
CS-1490 Tenant service tries to send emails when creating testing and vertex realms at startup
CS-1492 Several recycle bin user interface bugs
CS-1493 User roles are lost when a realm is updated by tenant service
CS-1494 Fix user group management bugs
CS-1495 Substitute labels dialog has placeholder reference count
CS-1497 Files may get attached to wrong entities.
CS-1498 Failing entity creation stucks the add dialog
CS-1499 A backdrop click doesn't close the add object dialog
CS-1501 Cannot copy item with its children
CS-1508 Non-admin user can enter the admin portal
CS-1509 Getting entity paths can be very slow
CS-1526 Modifying user profile creates duplicate users in views users are listed
CS-1532 Get all users does not return all users
CS-1536 Object multi select bug fixes
CS-1537 The user list is not updated after the admin modifies the user
CS-1545 Changes to frontend to match "Bugfix/CS-1508 Non admin user can enter the admin portal"
CS-1547 User should be able to make a new revision from an overwrite locked object
CS-1548 Recently viewed list gives 404 error
CS-1551 Password change dialog, no margin between 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons and dark theme problems
CS-1566 Cannot set Entity as favourite when in mobile screen size with list layout
CS-1568 Frontend's pipeline is exiting with code 1
CS-1577 Valid id regex does not work on Safari
CS-1579 Type icons vertical alignment in grid items
CS-1605 User menu stretches too much if branch name is long
CS-1647 Single image file entity does not use that image as thumbnail and preview
CS-1649 Tenantservice does not set thumbnailservice client secret for new tenant \(realm\)
CS-1670 Cancel on Create new label doesn't work
CS-1672 Allow upgrading operation blocks from OTHERS to EVERYONE
CS-1679 Remove advanced search label placeholders and fix issues with them
CS-1686 Tenantservice sets invalid redirect uris in staging environment
CS-1691 Workspace client does not set pdf or image files to be their own previews
New Feature
CS-1476 Implement Entity overwrite/revise block from front end and small bug fixes for the system
CS-1572 Change Admin portal login to use re-authenticate flow and move back to single configuration
CS-1584 Reserve \(Lock\) object for me user interface implementation
CS-1622 Implement endpoint to get branch status