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Recycle Bin

The recycle bin stores deleted objects temporarily. Removing an object from Sync moves the object into the recycle bin. You can recover them if needed. The recycle bin acts like a special folder that holds the deleted objects until objects are deleted from the bin, the bin is emptied, or objects are restored.

When the user deletes an object, it is not actually deleted from the service, but moved to the recycle bin. The user can then open the recycle bin and see all the deleted objects and choose to restore them to their original location or permanently delete them. If the user empties the recycle bin, the objects are removed from the service and cannot be recovered anymore. The recycle bin feature helps the user to avoid losing important data by mistake.

Removing objects

Removing objects from Sync moves objects to the recycle bin. Users can restore objects from the bin.

Restore objects

Restoring objects from the recycle bin restores connection to objects too, where possible. If an object to be restored has connections to objects that have not changed, the connection is restored.

Delete objects from the recycle bin

(warning) Deleting an object from the recycle bin deletes the object from the system and data is not recoverable anymore.

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Recycle bin

The recycle bin stores deleted objects temporarily. Removing an object from Sync moves the object into the recycle bin. You can recover them if needed. The recycle bin acts like a special folder that holds the deleted objects until objects are deleted from the bin, the bin is emptied, or objects are restored.

When the user deletes an object, it is not actually deleted from the service, but moved to the recycle bin. The user can then open the recycle bin and see all the deleted objects and choose to restore them to their original location or permanently delete them. If the user empties the recycle bin, the objects are removed from the service and cannot be recovered anymore. The recycle bin feature helps the user to avoid losing important data by mistake.

Released in version 1.0.0-alpha

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