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Customer Deliveries with Parametric Models


Often, customer deliveries are desired in a way that starts with a design model, saves a customer delivery from it, adjusts the main dimensions according to the order, and creates new item numbers from the modified parts.

This operational model is supported in Vertex G4, where the base model can be created so that the program can automatically save the changed parts and subassemblies as new items. This saves a lot of time and prevents errors, as the user does not need to determine in advance which parts will change and which parts can remain as they are.

The model itself must be created according to a specific philosophy to achieve this. This guide explains how to create base models and how to use them.

Build the Base Model


The base model must be parametric. Thus, a local jig part is typically created as the first component, which will control the dimensions and positioning of the other parts in the assembly.

The image shows a simple jig with one sketch in the vertical plane, whose dimensions guide the components of the assembly:

When modeling parts that adapt according to the assembly, they should be constrained to the jig using, for example, a 3D sketch, where the necessary lines from the jig part are copied. These maintain their link to the jig, so if the jig changes, the part will change as well.

For parts that may need to have a new item created, a 3D sketch should be added as the final feature, with dimensions set as non-driven, which indicate that changes will reflect the modifications in the part.

In the 3D sketch, draw the necessary lines, in this case, a line indicating the total length, and add the dimension to it. Note that the "Acts as a condition" feature should be turned off.

In the example above, only a change in the beam length will trigger the part to be saved as new. If necessary, add any other dimensions that can be changed through the jig to the 3D sketch.

Run the dimension table at least once to ensure the model functions correctly.

Finally, return the model and item to Flow.


Subassemblies are created in the same way as the main assembly. Each subassembly includes a local jig, and the required lines from the main assembly's corresponding jig are copied into a 3D sketch. Non-driving dimensions are also created in the sketch and are assigned a parameter name.

In the image, the main dimensions of the product are controlled by "Main_Jig." Each subassembly has its own jig, which takes its measurements from the "Main_Jig" part.

In this example, the subassembly "Side, assembly" appears in two instances. The first instance gets its dimensions and shape via its own jig part from the main plane "Main_Jig." The second instance is a copy of the first. In other words, the assembly must specify which instance is the one that is solved, and which are the copies. This is defined in the main assembly as a property of the subassembly:

The "Solve as subassembly" property is crucial to set correctly (in this example, the "Floor" is also solved as a subassembly, although it is not shown in the image). This property can be set to apply to all subassembly levels to ensure that the correct geometry dimensions are generated throughout the structure, and that the modified parts and subassemblies are saved as new items.

Create Customer Delivery

Open the base model in Vertex G4 and save it as a new item and document in Flow. You can associate it with a customer or project.

After this, change the model to the new dimensions by right-clicking and selecting "Dimension Table → Condensed." The program will then ask if you want to save the modified parts as new items:

If you answered "Yes," the program will ask from which ID series the new item numbers should be retrieved. The result is a new product structure for the customer delivery, along with a model reflecting the correct dimensions.

Whenever the base model has been created and verified to work correctly, it should be set to read-only mode (usually APPROVED). This ensures the base model remains intact. Of course, it can be revised in the future as a result of product development.

There is more information about modeling techniques on the Vertex G4 product documentation page.

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