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Quick Search


The search operates with the default quick search settings, but if needed, you can customize the quick search features in the User-specific Settings section.

The search results are displayed in the browser as a list, with columns containing object metadata and links to the objects themselves.

Search for a String Across All Fields

Search for a string across all object fields by entering your search term in the search field and pressing either the arrow button or the Enter key.

  • The string is searched within the metadata of the object cards, i.e., the values of the fields.

  • The search does not include the contents of attachments, such as Word documents or drawings.

When you enter "1028" as the search term, Flow will return objects where the specified characters appear, such as 10280, 10287, or 410288.


  • When you have entered at least three characters in the search field (e.g., ite in the image), Flow will display a preview of objects matching the search.

You can change the functionality of the Enter key in the quick search settings.

Search for a String in Identifier Fields Only

Search for a string only in the identifier fields of objects by entering your search term in the search field and pressing the Identifier Search button.

  • In the identifier search, you can use an asterisk (*) at the beginning and/or end of the string.

  • If the string contains a space, enclose the search term in quotation marks (" ").

    • For example, "Doku 12*" will find objects starting with "Doku 12".


  • If you enter the search term *1028*, Flow will return objects such as 10280, 10287, and 410288.


  • You can adjust the quick search settings to focus the search on name or description fields instead of the identifier field.

Open the Search Page for All Object Types

This function opens a search form where you can enter search criteria based on fields common to all object types, such as identifier, name, and description.

  • If you are searching for objects of a specific type, see: Perform an Advanced Search.

Repeat the Last Search

Repeat your most recent search without re-entering the search criteria.

Peek at an Object's Info Box

After performing an object search, the results are displayed either as a list or as cards.

(1) Hover over the object identifier and pause the cursor momentarily.

  • Flow will open an info box displaying details such as links to projects and products.

Administrator Functions

The administrator can define what kind of search results the quick search presents.

  • Edit Quick Search and Collection Basket Search Result Display

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