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Model (other)

Purpose of use

A 3D model is a graphical, three-dimensional representation of a real-world part or assembly. Various formats of 3D models can be stored in Flow. There is a specific object type reserved for models in G4 and SW formats. The "Model (Other)" is a specially reserved object type intended for storing models in formats other than G4 and SW formats. The file can be, for example, in IGES, IFC, or SAP format. Opening the model file in G4 naturally requires the appropriate translator license.


General functions

The "Model (Other)" objects can be handled largely with the same functions as other documents, except for the fact that editing the model file requires a translator license suitable for the file type in G4. Since the file is usually produced by a supplier or partner, editing it in G4 is generally not applicable.


Connect the model(other) to the objects that the model applies to.

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