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Create a document to attach to the object by dragging the file


A connection between objects is formed when you drag a file from Windows File Explorer to the drag-and-drop area in Flow.

  • If needed, you can drag multiple files at once.

  • Drag-and-drop linking is available for all file types, such as documents, photos, and videos.

  • In Flow, a document object is created, which contains the file dragged into it.

  • Thus, the attached documents automatically receive the label "Unclassified" (UC).

Attach the file by dragging

(1) Open the object card in Flow for the object to which you want to attach and create new documents.

(2) Select the files from your disk that you want Flow to use as the files for the new documents.

(3) Drag and drop them into the "Drop files here to link new" area located under the Connections section.

  • Alternatively, you can choose "Select," navigate to the appropriate folder, and select the files to be attached while holding down the Ctrl key.

Edit the classification of object

It's advisable to classify the documents attached by dragging and dropping so that they can be found in ways other than just through the Connections block of the object where they were dragged.

(1) If necessary, search for unclassified objects:

  • Navigate to the Favorites and Collections > Desktop tab from the Archive tab.

  • Select the block "My Unclassified."

(2) Choose the unclassified object.

(3) Add a classification.

  • Refer to "Handling Object Classifications."

  • Refer to the value of "UC Unclassified" as the document's classification.

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