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Add connection


For an individual object, you can add connections from its object card. If you want to add connections for multiple objects, do so using the collection basket.

  • Creating a connection requires the user to have read access to the object. This rule can be tightened with the system keyword

Add connection

(1) Select the action Tools > Connections > Add.

  • The program opens a dialogue box with four tabs. The Recent Objects tab is active.

From the Recent Objects list:

(2) If the object to be linked is listed, select it or them.

(3) Select Link.

  • Flow adds the object to the Connections block and reloads the object's information.

The last search from the list

(1) Choose the action Tools > Connections > Add.

(2) Select the tab Recent Searches.

(3) If the object to be linked is listed, select it or them.

(4) Choose Link.

Use the favorite search

(1) Select the action Tools > Connections > Add.

(2) Choose the tab Favorite Searches.

(3) Select the necessary favorite search by clicking on the pre-selection button.

(4) If the object to be linked is listed, select it or them.

(5) Choose Link.

Use the general search

(1) Choose the action Tools > Connections > Add.

(2) Select the Search tab.

  • Flow opens a general search window.

(3) Enter the necessary search criteria and select Search.

(4) If the object to be linked is listed, select it or them.

(5) Choose Link.

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