Release notes 1.0.0-alpha.2
Version 1.0.0-alpha.2 release date 01.03.2023
Reserve object. Let the other members of the group know that I'm working on this
Reserve building for yourself to notify colleagues I'm currently actively working on this building. Other users still can open the building and view all the data, but they cannot alter the data. So you can be sure that all the modifications you make in CAD can be uploaded to Sync and no work is lost due to conflicts. Reservation information is automatically viewed in real time for the other users. All you colleagues interested in the same building get a notification about your reservation too.
Read more about Reservation and object locks
Read more about Notifications
Reservation, Overwrite Lock and Revision lock
Reservation, Lock and Revision lock in Sync. Different lock functions allow you to protect data in Sync according to the design and needs of the organization. To protect objects from unwanted changes, lock them with Lock and/or Revision lock.
Read more about Revisions
Download or deleted several objects at once
Select multiple objects to download or delete them at once. If multiple objects are downloaded the system automatically add all the selected object's payload file into one zip file. A single objects payload file is not packed to zip.
For multi selection you have same widely knows options. Sync selection supports Ctrl and Shift selections just like in Windows system.
Updates to Recycle bin
Recycle bin has got several improvements. Deleting objects from the bin is corrected. in previous versions the actual payload files of the objects weren't deleted. Now the payload files are deleted from the service, too.
Several improvements and bug fixes
Several improvements for thumbnail images. Added a load animation to list objects while the system is loading them to improve the user experience.
All updates for this release
CS-1474 Make new Azure function to empty trash bin in staging environment
CS-1506 Improve operation locking system for Entities
CS-1528 Separate Sync item's CAD and Sync data into object of their own.
CS-1612 Populate multi select popup menu
CS-1621 Add load in progress animation into UI
CS-1633 Subscribe user to get notifications only about certain objects
CS-1646 Get thumbnails from FileService with a single request instead of request per Entity
CS-1650 Make user profile view consistent with object view on mobile
CS-1657 Update thumbnail automatically without reload
CS-1689 Add user name and reservation time on reservation icons tool tip
CS-1096 Implement notification view on top bar and new notification view
CS-1556 Abbreviate EntityService database name
CS-1674 Actually delete orphaned files
CS-1697 Change resource field of Event to contain all the necessary information
CS-1084 Building branching system
CS-656 Fix icons and app name on mobile
CS-1461 Background colour is wrong in Safari browser
CS-1614 Forgot password has a different layout compared to password change.
CS-1643 Tenant service does not update client secrets after restart
CS-1648 Last login times in 'My Account' page shows times when token is refreshed
CS-1684 Advanced search has various problems with labels, browser refresh and repeating the same search.
CS-1688 Adding user profile picture does not work.
CS-1694 Empty recycle bin does not work
CS-1704 Expired refresh token does not cause navigate to login page
CS-1725 Fix reverse bug in notification view
New Feature
CS-1086 Create events in service back end
CS-1562 Object base reservation system into back end