Purpose of use
With the workspace function, you can check your reserved objects or objects for which you are the responsible person.
You can also search for objects reserved by and under the responsibility of other users.
Additionally, you can use this function to release object reservations or remove responsible person designations from objects.
Check Reserved or Responsible Documents
Select the function Tools > Workspace.
Flow will open a dialog box listing the documents reserved by you. 2. Select another user or the "All" option if you want to search for objects reserved by or under the responsibility of others.
Select Responsible Person if you want to search for objects under your responsibility or the responsibility of others.
Select Search in Trash if you suspect the object has been moved to the trash.
Click Search.
Flow will list the objects that meet the search criteria.
Release Reserved Document if Necessary
Select the object(s) you want to release from the list.
Choose the Release function.
A user in the Flow Admin group can also release objects reserved by other users.
Remove Responsible Person if Necessary
Select the object(s) you want to remove the responsible person from the list.
Choose the Remove Responsible Person function.
You can only remove the responsible person designation from objects under your own responsibility.
A user in the Flow Admin group (sysadmin) can remove the responsible person from objects under the responsibility of other users.
Links to general instructions