Timber 2023 (Metric)
New joist hangers
Mitek joist hangers
Under the "Joists Hangers" connection details you can now add MiTek hangers.
Simpson joist hangers
Under the "Joists Hangers" connection details you can now add Simpson hangers.
Z clips for I joists
Z clips can be found under the HANGER_CULLEN library and can be added between I joists to the top flange
New timber connectors
Cullen sole plate anchors
Simpson restraint straps
Simpson universal framing anchors
Under Wall Panel Framing Accessories you can now add single wall sole plate anchors freely to wall panels. Pick a panel to get the constraining plane and then place sole plate anchors as you wish. They are loose in the model so do not belong to any panel
Under Wall Panel Framing Accessories you can now add single wall restraint straps to stud, either for ground floor panels to the slab or 1st-floor panels to ground floor panels. Previously this accessory was only available in the imperial version
Under the "beams" connection details for angle brackets you can now find the Simpson universal framing anchor
Truss clips
Cullen connection ties
Truss clips can now be easily added to the model. Working similarly to angle brackets you can pick and trusses and all walls or wall panels and truss clips will be added to the outside of the frame. In the metric library are Simpson truss clip sizes TCP48, TCP47 and TCP50
Under the "Joists and Rafters" connection details you can now add a Cullen TA-1 framing anchor for out of plane connections. Previously this connection was not available for Finnish users