8.1 Add Roof Trusses
Roof plane can be extended and or Clipped (cut) as well, to define the extent to the trusses. Clipped (Cut) roof can be merged later by selecting both roof then Right click and form the contextual menu click on Merge
- Now Vertex prompts to define the ‘Truss line points’, this means the extent that the truss will be spaced out across the building.
- Select the first point as the outside of left hand side of wall frame corner ( This will ensure that the starting point of the first truss to be aligned with outside face of the steel frame ).
- As you move the cursor towards the right hand side, with the appearance of this sign click Left mouse button OR press 'U' that will lock the cursor in X Axis.
- Select the last point as the outside face of the right hand side wall frame. ( This will ensure that the end truss to be aligned with outside face of the wall frame ). Right click and from the contextual menu click on OK to confirm OR press ‘V’ to Confirm.
- The roof truss envelopes will be created as shown below.
- Trusses can be moved, stretched, copied and deleted as per the requirement, but must be updated afterwards.