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2.1 Starting a new project

Starting Vertex:

  • You can start the Vertex Building Design software by double-clicking the Vertex icon ( Generally a shortcut on the desktop )

  • When the program starts up, Select building code dialog box opens by default, but this can be disabled if necessary.
  • Change the building code to 
     and click on OK

  • Now welcome dialog box pops-up ( can be disabled if necessary ) and  prompts to recently opened project OR start a new project.
  • Tick ON 'New project' and click OK

  • Or alternatively you can go to File Menu select New Project.

Define the properties of a new project:

  • Enter a Project id. ( This is the Project Number limited to 16 alphanumeric characters with no spacing ).
  • Enter a Name  ( Name or Description of the project, can be used to find the project using a search )
  • Based on premade basic project TEMPLATE ( Template can be a customer specific )

  • Stored in this is where the project is stored ( Generally by default all the project are stored in Shared \ Projects \ project number or name  

  • This information form called the ‘Project Data Card
  • Project data card hold all the information about the project in relation to customer, site, building information, designer and other building related information.
  • The information in the Project Data window is automatically used in project printouts: the label data for drawings is retrieved from this window. This information is contained over the 5 tabs.

  • Click on OK.  [ You have successfully started a new project. ]
  • You are ready to start drawing walls, however steps shown in next exercise are also conducive to understand the through process.

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