The selection from 3d model in FEA state is directed to surfaces.
In the assembly model parts can be selected by holding Alt.
Modify material properties
Select parts from the assembly model. If the opened model is part model go to step 2.
Select Properties from the contextual menu. Part FEA properties can be now edited.
Default values of the material properties are read from the part properties in the 3d model.
If the material is not defined in the d_SPEC1 database, material is considered as regular steel material
Change materials by selecting Verify and choose a material in the database.
All values of Part FEA properties can be updated by typing new values in the Verified field.
Hover a mouse cursor over a part of active study to see additional information about FEA. To see the information, Settings→Drawings, models→View→Show geometry tip in cursor must be selected.
Add and remove parts of study
Select parts from the assembly model.
Select from contextual menu Add to Study, selected parts will be added to active study OR Remove from Study, selected parts will be removed from active study
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