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Solids and Assemblies: Loads

Loads can be directed to surfaces of analysis model. Loads can be selected from 3d model by selecting the load related surface.

Select a surface from a part of active study. Next loads can be applied to selected surface from the contextual ribbon tab.

Create load

  1. Select a surface from a part of active study.
  2. Set load values to the contextual ribbon tab.
    • Loads are created when Enter is pressed or when cursor is moved out from ribbon area
    • The properties for loads are listen in the table below

Can be defined by

  • components of 3d model global coordinate system OR
  • pointing direction from 3d model with 2 points
PressureMPaNormal to the surface
Forced displacementmm

Can be defined by

  • pointing direction from 3d model with 2 points

Edit load

  1. Select load from study tree or 3d model. 
  2. Edit load values from the contextual ribbon tab.
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