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Setting up VertexID

What is VertexID?

VertexID is a unique and secure login for various Vertex services, including the MyVertex store and Vertex Sync. It provides access to Vertex System services linked to your account.

Creating a VertexID

You can create a VertexID account either during the purchase process (refer to Proceed with Purchase | Contact-details ) or by registering directly.

If you are an existing customer, please do not create a new account. You should have received an invitation to MyVertex from Vertex Systems. If you have not received the invitation, please contact Vertex Support.

To register directly, follow these steps:

Click the Login button:


Select Create Account:


Enter your details: Name, VertexID (email address), and Password:


The password must be at least 14 characters long and include a minimum of one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Accept the agreements:


The next step is email verification. You should receive an email from Vertex Accounts. If you don't receive it, press the Click here button to resend the email:


Open the email and finalize your VertexID by clicking Create VertexID:


This will take you to MyVertex where you can fulfill your company details (refer to [documentation link]) or start the purchase process directly.

Joining MyVertex by invitation

Admin users can invite new users to the company from the admin panel (refer to [documentation link]). Invitations are sent by email, providing a quick way for new users to create their VertexID.

To create the VertexID from the invitation, follow these steps:

Open the email sent by Vertex Accounts and click Create VertexID:


You will be redirected to MyVertex, where you can start updating your account by pressing Click here to proceed:


Accept the agreements:


Create a password:


The password must be at least 14 characters long and include a minimum of one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Enter your name:


You have now successfully updated your VertexID. You can proceed to MyVertex by clicking Back to Application:


Click the Login button:


Enter your newly created credentials:


You are now ready to use MyVertex

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