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Setting up VertexID

What is VertexID?

VertexID is a unique and secure login for various Vertex services, including the MyVertex store and Vertex Sync. It provides access to Vertex System services linked to your account.

Creating a VertexID

You can create a VertexID account either during the purchase process (refer to Proceed with Purchase | Contact-details ) or by registering directly.

If you are an existing customer, please do not create a new account. You should have received an invitation to MyVertex from Vertex Systems. If you have not received the invitation, please contact Vertex Support.

To register directly, follow these steps:

Click the Login button:


Select Create Account:


Enter your details: Name, VertexID (email address), and Password:


The password must be at least 14 characters long and include a minimum of one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Accept the agreements:


The next step is email verification. You should receive an email from Vertex Accounts. If you don't receive it, press the Click here button to resend the email:


Open the email and finalize your VertexID by clicking Create VertexID:


This will take you to MyVertex where you can fulfill your company details (refer to or start the purchase process directly.

Joining MyVertex by invitation

Admin users can invite new users to the company from the admin panel (refer to [documentation link]). Invitations are sent by email, providing a quick way for new users to create their VertexID.

To create the VertexID from the invitation, follow these steps:

Open the email sent by Vertex Accounts and click Create VertexID:


You will be redirected to MyVertex, where you can start updating your account by pressing Click here to proceed:


Accept the agreements:


Create a password:


The password must be at least 14 characters long and include a minimum of one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

Enter your name:


You have now successfully updated your VertexID. You can proceed to MyVertex by clicking Back to Application:


Click the Login button:


Enter your newly created credentials:


You are now ready to use MyVertex.

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