This exercise was carried out with version 28.0 (Vertex 2028).
In this exercise you will learn to
To customize the Vertex software to better fit our own practices.
Functions to be used:
File > User Preferences >
The settings are divided into User Preferences and System Preferences
User Preferencesonly take effect on the computer where the changes were made.
These changes are saved in various files under the vxg4/user folder on the user's computer.
System settings affect all program activity that uses the Vertex program on the same server.
This is for changes made by the administrator only.
Adjust the language you are using and the Flow connection
File > User Preferences > Language, Autosave, Flow.
Vertex saves drawing files named safe.vxp (safeX.vxp) and models safe.vxm (safeX.vxm) on the desktop to the user's home directory (vxg4/user) at regular intervals. (X is replaced by the drawing/model sequence number).
1200 means 1200 seconds or 20 minutes.
When working with large models, it may take longer to save the model, leaving the program tied to the recording and preventing the user from working during that time.
Autosave can be turned off by setting it to 0 (zero).
The setting switches the language used by the program between Finnish and English.
Note that it does not change the language of the contents of the databases.
The setting takes effect when the Vertex G4 is restarted.
Note that the Help (F1) come in the language that was included in the installation package.
If you are using a Vertex Flow (product data management system), this will tell you the address and port number of the Flow server.
This dialog can also be used to manage the use of Flow's on-premises storage.
Set the on/off settings that are right for you
File > User Preferences > Drawings, models.
Note that the settings here can be found on the two tabs where
The View tab controls the views of certain things.
The Usage tab controls the functionality of the program during use.
Some examples:
The zoom direction of the scroll wheel varies with different applications, if you do not like the default Vertex, change the direction from Usage > Common> Inverted Zoom.
In some functions, the program displays abubble tip that the trained user no longer needs. Disablebubbles tipsView > Common > Bubble tips.
Some of these settings can be affected with keyboard shortcuts. For the some has an interface on the desktop of the model or drawing.
Adds or replaces keyboard startup functions
File > User Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
The program displays a menu from which the function can be selected.
The menu only shows the commands that are currently available.Examples
1) Working on a sketch.
2) Working on a part.
3) Working on a sheet metal part.
4) Working on an assembly.
5) Working on an assembly and a profile is selected.
6) Working on a drawing.
7) Working on a drawing of model.
Click a function from the list or click it on the ribbon or toolbar.
When prompted Press the desired for shortcut, select the key or key combination on the keyboard. Eligible are
Keys (but not, for example, the Windows key, and no other important keys Ctrl, Shift, Tab, etc.)
with Key.
with Key.
If the key is already in use somewhere, you will receive a warning and a confirmation question:
Key is not available for shortcuts and then
Keys currently in use
Oletuksena Vertex käyttää jo varsin paljon näppäimiä käynnistämään tai ohjamaan käynnissä olevia toimintoja, eli valtaosalla näppäimistön näppäimistä on jo jokin merkitys.
See the most important shortcuts defined: Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.
The Edit Shortcut shortcutmenu shows the keys that are in use, but cannot tell you which keys are available.
Define what data is displayed in the feature tree of the assembly.
File > User Preferences > Assembly tree data
Deselect Default.
Then select the data you want to appear in the tree.
Note that if you want to affect the order of the data, first deselect all the selections and then select them in the order you want them to appear in the configuration tree.
You can access the same menu from the main symbol of the assembly's feature tree with the right-click function: Tree > Tree Data.
Define Undo functionalities
File > User Preferences > Undo and Redo.
Vertex's Undo and Redo functionality is based on the fact that the model or drawing is stored in its entirety in the computer's main memory, which is limited in size.
The larger the models are and the more models or drawings you have open on your Vertex desktop and the more steps you want to save, the more computer main memory you use.
If the main memory becomes full, the Vertex will stop working.Before that, you may receive a warning prompting you to save the job immediately.
Next to it are the Vertex G4 defaults.
The recommended values for the Vertex G4 Plant are: Drawings: 8, Part Models: 4 and Assembly Models: 2.
Define how the graphic is drawn
File > User Preferences >Craphics.
These settings mainly control the appearance of models on the screen (for example, whether or not to draw the outlines and textures of parts)
The background color settings here control the background color of the working windows.
Define backup and storage history
File > User Preferences > Backup-files.
When you save a drawing or model, the previous version is saved in the BACKUP directory in the user's home directory, so its size increases with each save.
However, so that the maximum set number of backups is stored for each drawing or model.
To prevent the BACKUP folder and your machine's disk space from expanding to infinity, select the delete rule for the Recycle Bin:
Delete files older than a certain age (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 months)
You can also select from the lowest field Recording history logging is disabled, in which case backup files will not be saved.
If desired, enable voice control
File > User Preferences > Voise control and sounds.
This will allow you to try enabling voice control (by default it is not enabled).
The feature requires the installation of voice control language packs on your machine.
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