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Updating models in the background (version 2025)

Updating a large assembly model reserves G4 for an extended period, interrupting your design work. This issue can be avoided by utilizing Flow's background converter.

Flow's Update Model operation starts the update of the model of the assembly on the background converter. The tool checks out the model, updates the modified parts and sub-assemblies, checks the model in, and creates the relevant secondary files (IFC, STEP, SAT, GLB, ...) in the background according to the Flow licenses.

Models can be updated individually from the model's card, or multiple models at a time using a trolley.

The model update will not be run for documents, which are in a frozen state (e.g. Approved).

The tool in G4's user interface corresponding to Flow's model update operation.

Updating models in the browser

You can update a model directly in the Flow browser from the model's card using the operation Tools > Update model.

The application confirms the update:

The system checks out and updates the model.

Updating models via a trolley

If you wish to update multiple models, you can achieve it using a trolley. Add the models to a trolley and choose Tools > Update models in the trolley. If the trolley contains models, which are in a frozen state, or documents which are not Vertex models, those documents are skipped, and only the applicable models are added to the background converter's update queue.

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