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"UC Unclassified" as the document's classification value

Classification value "UC Unclassified"

Document is sometimes created without setting its classification (e.g. when you drag and drop a file to a project card without selecting its classification first). Flow sets document classification to value "UC Unclassified". You should fix these classifications as soon as possible.

Why should I change "UC Unclassified" to a valid classification value?

Classifications define permissions to objects and search functions are based on classifications. If document is set "UC Unclassified", other users may not find it. There can be also a situation where these documents contains classified material, but wrong people see it.

How to find my unclassified documents?

  1. Select sheet Archive

  2. Select Favorites & Trolleys > Dashboard

  3. Select My unclassified

  4. Change the classifications of the documents

How to find unclassified documents made by other users (as System Administrator)?

  1. Select sheet Archive

  2. Load search page Documents > Document

  3. Write UC into Search any field

  4. Change the classifications of the documents

How to prevent creating unclassified documents?

  • Select classification before dragging and dropping file or files to object card.

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