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Search by Favorites (OLD)

You can save the searches you need the most and execute them quickly.

You can also have multiple favorite searches. You can see all your favorite searches if you select the Archive-tab and Favorites & Trolleys.

Creating a new favorite search

Select Archive-tab and the object type you want to search. Select and edit search criteria in the search fields. In Advanced and Favorite search you can type the name of the search and press Save.

In the image above you can see an example of an item search which will be saved on name "1028".

Editing and deleting favorite searches

You can edit the search criteria of your favorite searches by selecting the search and, on top of the page, Modify search. Edit the search criteria but don't change the name of the search. The program says: "Search with same name already exist, save anyway?" Press OK and the search will be updated. If you want to create a new favorite search, type a new name for the search and press Save.

You can change the name of the search or delete it by selecting Archive-tab, Tools and Favorite searches.

Type the new names in the name fields and press Save. If you want to delete a search, select the checkbox in front of the search and press Save.

In the above image the search "1028" will be deleted once you press Save.

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