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Product design


Structure Above All

Precision and a quiet work environment are essential in design work. Schedules are often tight, and there can be multiple projects ongoing simultaneously. A designer's expertise is needed by various people at different times. All this disrupts concentration. Flow offers a place for designers to manage the structure of the product. Even if there are interruptions, the product structure remains saved in Flow. Not every component needs to have a drawing or model at the stage when the structure is being assembled. The structure can be established and planned in Flow in advance. Models can be created later when there is time. This way, the item structure managed in Flow keeps the design work organized despite the rush. The items and the item structure formed from them are the framework around which the design work is built. In CAD usage, the modification of models and drawings always starts by opening an item. Along with the item, the model or drawing also opens on the screen. When saving modifications, the entire structure is updated in Flow. Revisions and changes are also saved in Flow.

PDF File as a Tool

Usually, CAD licenses are only obtained for designers. During a designer's workday, there are often many interruptions from various parties requesting drawings via email or even printed copies. Flow can be equipped with an automatic PDF converter. This ensures that every model or drawing saved in Flow is converted into PDF format. This way, anyone who needs a drawing can retrieve the PDF file from Flow without disturbing the designer's work.

Workflow According to Operations

Items, models, and drawings designed according to the customer's order can all be found in Flow. Ongoing work is also available in Flow. The status indicates the progress of the design work to everyone looking for the design results in Flow. As long as the status of the model, drawing, or item is "draft," those reviewing it know that the design work is still in progress. With the ERP integration, items and item structures marked as completed or approved are automatically transferred to the ERP system for production use. This eliminates unnecessary communication, as production gets the information about the completed structure automatically, allowing the designer to focus better on their own work.

All Project Information Available

The designer has to perform their work based on the terms agreed upon by the salesperson and the customer. Since Flow provides a platform for managing all information generated during the sales process, the designer can retrieve the sales contract agreed with the customer at any time and check the agreed budget and schedule. During the quotation phase, the images and initial data sent by the customer can also be found in Flow under the customer project. All project-related meetings, including agendas and minutes, can be managed using Flow. Even in tight situations, everything stays under control, and all essential information is available.

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