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Copy the item linked to the model


This guide covers copying an item linked to a model into a new item.

  • The item can be copied so that the old model also describes the new item, although, for example, the model's dimensions or geometry may differ from the original item in some aspects.

  • The item, along with its model, can be copied into new items and models.

Copy the Item While Retaining the Link to the Existing Model

Use this function when the same model is used to describe multiple items.

The model's dimensions may change when the item changes (e.g., hex bolt).
The model's geometry may change in some aspects when the item changes. Geometry changes are managed with the appearance technique in Vertex G4, which shows or hides steps in the modeling history.

  1. Locate and select the item you want to copy.

  2. Select the function Item > Copy.

  3. Fill in the item's attribute information.

  4. Open the Connections section.

  5. Select Link under the model field.

  • Do not select any other connections.

  1. Finalize the item by selecting OK.

When you open such an item for editing in Vertex G4, a new item and its associated existing model will be opened.

  • If the item and model had a drawing, it will have been removed based on the previous selections.

  • You can add a new appearance to the model if necessary and make changes that are visible either in all or only selected appearances.

In Flow, you can enter data for the copied item in the CAD Component section, including:

  • The appearance number

  • Dimension parameters separated by a vertical bar (|)

  • The item's color

Copy the Item Along with the Model

Use this function when you want to use an existing item and its model as a basis for a new item and model, but you do not want to copy the drawing associated with the item as a starting point for a new drawing.

  1. Locate and select the item you want to copy.

  2. Select the function Item > Copy.

  3. Fill in the item's attribute information.

  4. Open the Connections section.

  5. Select Copy under the model field

  • Flow will also automatically select Link for the model.

  1. Finalize the item by selecting OK.

When you open such an item for editing in Vertex G4, a new item and a model copied under a new identifier will be opened.

  • If the item and model had a drawing, it will have been removed based on the previous selections.

Copy the Item Along with the Model and Drawing

Use this function when you want to use an existing item, its model, and its drawing as the basis for a new item, model, and drawing.

  1. Locate and select the item you want to copy.

  2. Select the function Item > Copy.

  3. Fill in the item's attribute information.

  4. Open the Connections section.

  5. Select Copy under the model field.

  • Flow will also automatically select Link for the model.

  1. Select Copy under the drawing field.

  • Flow will also automatically select Link for the drawing.

  1. Finalize the item by selecting OK.

When you open such an item for editing in Vertex G4, a new item and a model copied under a new identifier will be opened.

  • If the item and model had a drawing, it has also been assigned a new identifier.

Copy Item Structure

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