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Product Structure (BOM)


A product structure, also known as a bill of materials (BOM), hierarchically describes the composition of a product.

  • Product structures are created, for example, when assemblies are modeled in Vertex G4 or SolidWorks, using existing items or creating new items to represent parts or subassemblies.

  • A product structure can also be created in Flow and later have its geometry designed using CAD software.

In the item structure of a part model, the raw material (raw material item) serves as a substructure for the part.

Items representing purchased components typically do not have a structure. They are represented only by an (inventory) item used to identify the component.

Visualizing Item Structures

Item Structure on Flow's Structure Tab

Schematic Diagram of an Item Structure


Schematic Diagram of an Item Structure

item structure.png

Item Structure in the Structure Block of a Flow Item


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