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NC Interfaces improvements 2023


New keyword to write battens as sheets to CDT file

Keyword write_batten_as_sheet= 1 added to CDT output. Writes battens as sheets.

Support for LGS profiles (Randek 5.09)

The Randek link now supports version 5.09 which allows you to show the orientation of the LGS profiles by using C+ or C- in the USE field of the cdt file, for example:

STA:50:2297.6:200:249.77:948.4:0:-90:0:0:C+ SILL I:50:2298x200: ; 

Create a rounded rectangle with 3 machinings instead of 1 machining for elbox.vxm model (Randek 4.0-)


All CLT sheets with the same panel label to SAT

all_panel_instances= 1 as default
If not wanted, then set keyword to 0 in cltsetup.txt.

all_panel_instances= 1

all_panel_instances= 0

BTL - Fill in COMMENT field with project number and name




Add intersecting piece location marks to the Cambium output

Cambium <CADPosition> values need to be converted to metric when generated by imperial BD

Add intersecting piece location marks to the Cambium output


Export of circular hollow sections

Circular hollow sections, for example the HfCHS library, are now exported as flat bars by default.

The resulting NC file.

End angles and holes are not currently supported.

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