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Create a Wall Layer Library

Create a wall layer library of your own and add layers to it. You can copy layers from the system library.

Select System | Libraries | Libraries. The library browser opens.

Select the folder System Libraries.

Select the library type Wall Layers.

Select the library Wall Layer Library. You will see the layers of the library in the right side browser pane.

Select one or more layers, and then select Copy to New Library from the right-click menu. Enter a description for your custom library.

Double-click a layer in the library, or select Properties from the right-click menu.

The Wall Materials database view opens.

Edit the data to match the material you need.

  • Fill in the Code field for an unambiguous code for the material.
  • Select the layer types for which this material can be selected in the Allowed types field.
  • Select a framing tool by clicking FrmTools.
  • Check the properties on each tab: General, Line properties, Parameters, Surface properties and Fill.

The Code field must be unique.

More detailed information can be found in the user manual (see Vertex BD Help).

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