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2.3 Active Working Window / Drawing Model Pairs (General)

  • You can change the active working window or drawing-model pair by clicking the buttons in the top left corner of the working window.


  • A - Switch to the matching architectural or framing pair of the active drawing-model pair.
  • B - Change the active working window.
  • C - Switch to another drawing-model pair.


Press shortcut key F4 to activate “Drwg–Model Pairs” selection menu 


  • Vertex model is divided into different drawing-model pairs, layer-by-layer. If you hover over each model pairs it highlight its corresponding name.
  • The reason they are called pairs, is because Vertex BD works in two stages, an architectural view and a framing view
  • Apart from the basement, mainly there are three to four pairs on each floor, that are walls, ceiling, floor and roof.  

  • Objects added to the model are entered into the active drawing-model pair, which defines the object's visibility in the project. Drawing-model pairs do not limit the 3D visibility of objects.
  • Since presets, such as wall height, mid floor thickness, levels etc., have already been defined for each drawing-model pairs, so it is important to use the correct drawing-model pair to model the various sections of the buildings. For example, if you add walls in second floor walls model pair, walls will be placed on the second floor level by default.
  • Generally you begin in the architectural view to build your model and then work in the framing view, this is mainly for 3D use.

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