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Release notes 1.0.0-beta.8

Version 1.0.0-beta.8 release date 30.04.2024

All updates for this release

Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta.8


VXSYNC-1171 Add header row onto error pages

VXSYNC-1196 Unify creator and modifier dropdown menus with the access management drop-down menus

VXSYNC-1204 Create a not-found error page for situations where the user has navigated with a false URL

VXSYNC-1210 Add proper return values and remove unnecessary myvertex endpoints from tenantservice

VXSYNC-1219 Ignore API version in ingress path matcher

VXSYNC-1260 Remove unnecessary resend of invite e-mails when updating tenant realms

VXSYNC-1264 Add object dialog improvements

VXSYNC-1269 Change tip texts date to go on the second line

VXSYNC-1270 Recycle bin, show deletion time and improve deleted after message

VXSYNC-1273 Duplicate dialog improvements

VXSYNC-1274 Change prompt "Kaikki kohteet" to "Kaikki" and other small prompt improvements


VXSYNC-570 Cannot search for items with string containing reserved regex symbols such as \*, \), \(

VXSYNC-987 FileService leaks memory

VXSYNC-1150 /api/rest/v1/users/\[id\}/lists/\[list\} DELETE method returns always 204

VXSYNC-1151 Give 400 for POST /api/rest/v1/users when role not in the body

VXSYNC-1187 Composite parents access management restrictions does not inherit correctly to chilren

VXSYNC-1242 Unhandled error: TypeError: can't access property "map", P is null error on user interface

VXSYNC-1281 ClientSystemFile flag is not set for searchResultData requests

VXSYNC-1289 GraphLookUps may throw BSON size exceeded exceptions


VXSYNC-855 Admin can add users who already have VertexID/MyVertex user to Sync

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