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Release notes 1.0.0-beta.6

Version 1.0.0-beta.6 release date 14.03.2024

Organization admin can login as super user to unlock objects reserved by other users

Organization admin can unlock an object which has been locked by other user. This feature ensures continuity of work even in unexpected situations. Admin can unlock a building which the designer has forgot to release before holidays for example.


User can set a new name and code for building object in copy

You can give a Builing ID when you copy a building in Sync. This building ID is uses in Vertex BD to identify the building.


Show clearly if no object are found with selected filter’s

System gives a clear information if no object are found with the selected filter.


Save selected filters when navigating between entities

We have improved the navigation in Sync. New navigation remember the filter status when you go back. This makes browsing object much faster and user friendly as you don’t need to click all filters on again when coming back from object view. Sync icon works as a home button, which always clears all filters.


Navigate back from the search view

We have added a possibility navigate back from the search results view too. Now its easy to make quick search under the object and afterwards navigate back to the object view.


All updates for this release

Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta.6


VXSYNC-580 Restore confirm-dialog text is misleading and context-menu in trash can has unnecessary scrollbar

VXSYNC-705 Save the settings to local storage per tenant

VXSYNC-896 Include information where entity accesses are inherited from

VXSYNC-921Entity access management should respect reservation

VXSYNC-951 Write API documentation about tenant service

VXSYNC-953 Write API documentation about event service

VXSYNC-954 Write API documentation about thumbnail service

VXSYNC-956 Write API documentation about entity service

VXSYNC-984 Don't add '-Copy' to composite children names when parent is duplicated

VXSYNC-992 Rename 'Admin' role to 'Ylläpitäjä' in Finnish.

VXSYNC-993 Improve tip texts on overwrite and revision lock buttons

VXSYNC-1005 Improve entering and exiting admin mode user flow

VXSYNC-1064 Add type safety tot getSessionItem and getLocalItem

VXSYNC-1070 Add endpoints to tenantservice for running realm updates manually

VXSYNC-1087 The Finnish prompt to select the date format in the settings menu affects the compressed small space

VXSYNC-1098 Entity service API improvements

VXSYNC-1103 Allow selecting current organization with query-parameter

VXSYNC-1106 Set test site front end logging level to warning

VXSYNC-1126 Thumbnail service requests give errors

VXSYNC-1128 Add Sync UI version number to the version dialog and improve design of the dialog

VXSYNC-1129 Improve 'Advanced search' dialog to match Sync user interface style

VXSYNC-1130 Add 'Back' option \(back arrow\) into 'Search results too.

VXSYNC-1132 Hide organization subscription in license management

VXSYNC-1133 Move search result text into same row as scroll indicator

VXSYNC-1135 Mark mandatory fields in User invitation dialog

VXSYNC-1152 Update VertexApplicationConfig to match the new configuration

VXSYNC-1153 Prevent 'Move' action from composite children objects

VXSYNC-1168 Create an error page for the situations where the user has no valid license

VXSYNC-1170 Create a separate error page for the UI that can be navigated to with the URL


VXSYNC-871 All legal documents are accessible for users


VXSYNC-418 Remove unnecessary scrollbar from overlays when browser zoom is <100%

VXSYNC-452 Normal users have too many rights to file service

VXSYNC-504 EntityService error when multiple users recursive copy the same hierarchical entity concurrently

VXSYNC-879 FileService download zip endpoint needs to take file ids in from body

VXSYNC-1082 Small typos and misspellings

VXSYNC-1085 Default filter menu's option 'None' is no accessible on mobile device

VXSYNC-1092 User interface unit tests throw multiple icon errors

VXSYNC-1099 After a new user has accepted Terms and Conditions the screen flashes before the Welcome dialog opens.

VXSYNC-1118 Entity findAllById uses collation

VXSYNC-1136 My Account and User list views does not open if the user has only view permission

VXSYNC-1137 Editing user information deletes the user profile picture

VXSYNC-1139 Last logins stays empty

VXSYNC-1149 Some requests are sent with false headers or prematurely

VXSYNC-1159 Updating user role does not update the UI dynamically

VXSYNC-1161 Change it so that admins can no longer modify their own roles from the admin panel

VXSYNC-1165 User's thumbnail is not dynamically updated in the user view

VXSYNC-1167 Remove the link to the Vertex Account portal when the user is not viewing their own profile

VXSYNC-1186 Delete endpoint throws null pointer exception


VXSYNC-166 Administrator can see who has active Sync subscriptions and how many unused subscriptions are left.

VXSYNC-842 User can set a new code for building object in copy

VXSYNC-908 Save selected filters when navigating between entities

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