Release notes 1.0.0-beta.4

Version 1.0.0-beta.4 release date 20.2.2024
Organization admin can login to "normal" side of the sync with super user privileges to unlock objects
Organization admin can unlock an object which has been locked by other user.

If no object is found in the default filter, the system tells the user.

All updates for this release
Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta.4
VXSYNC-814 Prevent composite parent addition for locked objects
VXSYNC-870 Add cookies accept system into Sync.
VXSYNC-872 Add Terms of Service documents on to Sync as links
VXSYNC-873 Correct Terms of Service link in first time use dialog
VXSYNC-938 Sync should send an email when a tenant is created.
VXSYNC-1004 Admin can release locks placed by other users in super user mode
VXSYNC-1011 Utilize new add/remove connections end point in front end to ensure huge entities can modified
VXSYNC-1012 If no objects are found in the default filter inform the user about it
VXSYNC-1018 Update Thumbnail service's 'version' and 'ready' end points structure to match other services similar ones
VXSYNC-1020 Change Sync documentation link URLs to point
VXSYNC-1027 Review security updates notified by a security platform
VXSYNC-1048 Shorter startup time by restarting tenantservice without keycloak realm update if template realm exists
VXSYNC-1053 Add Sync Documentation link into Help menu
VXSYNC-1054 Default filter option 'None' is quite unnoticeable.
VXSYNC-1071 Create new error pages for situations in which the user does not gain access to Sync
VXSYNC-1074 Change allowed workspace versions.
VXSYNC-1079 Release 1.0.0-beta.4
VXSYNC-1089 sync-keycloak update
VXSYNC-1091 Set new minimum allowed workspace versions to and
VXSYNC-1096 Switch to use Hashicorp Secret Vault
VXSYNC-759 File referencing objects problem
VXSYNC-985 Sometimes downloded file comes without file extension
VXSYNC-1016 Different font sizes in 'Create file association' dialog
VXSYNC-1045 vertexIdStsServer not overriden in stage/prod configmaps
VXSYNC-1046 Sync UI can end up in an infinite loop on the loading page
VXSYNC-1055 RangeError is shown to users when licenses do not have endDate
VXSYNC-1056 Reservation icon on top 'Open on 3D view'
VXSYNC-1063 Storage data in Sync UI is always parsed as JSON which won't work with all number values
VXSYNC-1065 Building reservation doesn't work in webbrowser user interface
VXSYNC-1072 Unhandled error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null \(reading 'map'\)
VXSYNC-1080 EventService and ThumbnailService GET version endpoint returns html/text instead of json
VXSYNC-1090 License assign/unassign may not always work
VXSYNC-1097 Autolabel rules referring to docMainType should refer docType
VXSYNC-585 Organization admin can unlock an object which has been locked by other user
VXSYNC-991 Administrator can manage object's access restrictions when using Sync with admin privileges.