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Release notes 1.0.0-beta.17


Version 1.0.0-beta.17 release date 4.12.2024

User can open framing model in 3D directly from building object view.

In the previous version, users could not open the framing model directly. They had to open the architectural 3D model first and then switch to the framing model in the 3D viewer. To enhance user experience and simplify the process, this version allows users to select and open the desired 3D model directly.


Open preview moved into separate button to prevent opening the preview by mistake

In previous versions, clicking on the grid item’s picture area opened the preview, often by mistake. To enhance user experience and system usability, we’ve introduced a separate ‘Open Preview’ button. This change prevents accidental preview openings.


Small improvements to Share dialog for better usability

Small user interface updates in the share dialog. The new layout is clearer and provides a smoother user experience. The ‘Copy Link’ button has been moved to the end of the link for better visibility. Overall usability is enhanced with the new layout.


All updates for this release

Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta.17


VXSYNC-1199 Improve error message about already existing building

VXSYNC-1707 Improve message content in situation where the user has no license or organization

VXSYNC-1782 Add better error handling for exceptions in file upload requests

VXSYNC-1850 Change grid items' preview button location and make it appear while hovering


VXSYNC-1647 Removed objects stays as an observable in Angular, which causes unwanted navigation arrows on carousel component

VXSYNC-1673 Events does not update dynamically into user interface's event list

VXSYNC-1703 Syncserviceclients auth token error handling causes problems

VXSYNC-1734 FileShare automatic backup does not work

VXSYNC-1750 3D viewer not available for demo material glb model

VXSYNC-1757 Orphan file deletion throws 500 for some tenants

VXSYNC-1772 downloadSharedNotFoundEntity unit test fails

VXSYNC-1784 Cannot open sync if one of users tenants does not exist

VXSYNC-1812 Non accessible aggregation object in building composition causes the building update fail.

VXSYNC-1844 Building's open 3D preview button does not work after workspace's file naming changes

VXSYNC-1880 Entity service try to save mismatching relations


VXSYNC-1038 Improve logout user flow in in Sync

VXSYNC-1434 Improve thumbnail creation performance for better user experience

VXSYNC-1639 User can apply 'Hide', 'isolate' etc. actions to all selected objects in 3D viewer

VXSYNC-1643 The current link’s text ‘Accept invitation' is not clear in invitation email. Change it to 'Login Sync to 'Accept the invitation.'

VXSYNC-1664 Organization admin can see the license status separated by company organizations

VXSYNC-1665 Improve the message about no free licenses when admin is adding new users into sync

VXSYNC-1676 Improve UI for entity share status changes to notifications and events.

VXSYNC-1688 Small improvements to Share dialog for better usability

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