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Release notes 1.0.0-beta.13


Version 1.0.0-beta.13 release date 11.9.2024

Components in 3D viewer have new icons for easier investigation

New version adds new icon to 3D viewers component tree view. Icons are based on the components VXTYPE. Same typing is already familiar from Vertex BD. This makes finding the correct component much more easier.


Measuring tools are now usable in mobile too

Use your mobile device to investigate the 3D model. In this version you can make measurement checks in mobile too.


All updates for this release

Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta.13


VXSYNC-558 New icons into 3D viewer based on BD’s VXTYPE

VXSYNC-1423 Add link into admins' 'Licenses are about to expire' notification

VXSYNC-1576 Rethink and implement a new solution to end check "Measuring tools" feature

VXSYNC-1578 Pressing 'esc' button should stop 'Line segment' and 'Cumulative line segment'

VXSYNC-1590 Hide shortcut keys in model viewer on mobile device

VXSYNC-1592 Selecting/hovering an object in the tree should highlight the object in the 3D model too.

VXSYNC-1623 Create share PUT endpoint


VXSYNC-1389 Entity PUT handles files and preview files differently

VXSYNC-1478 User list is not automatically updated after inviting a new user

VXSYNC-1505 Frontend shows "Unhandled error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"

VXSYNC-1517 Received notification is not shown in user interface

VXSYNC-1559 Fix typo in "Manage access" dialog description

VXSYNC-1609 Assigning\ Unassigning the license loses information from the user view

VXSYNC-1618 Measuring tools does not work on mobile devices

VXSYNC-1629 File is not accessible if it is referred from both recycle bin and default collection with different permissions

VXSYNC-1630 Handle showroom-viewer initialization bug

VXSYNC-1650 Request context is left out of reactive event creation calls

VXSYNC-1651 Maintenance service auth token retrieval does not work

VXSYNC-1668 Some endpoints can be accessed without authorization

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