Release notes 1.0.0-beta
Version 1.0.0-beta release date 1.2.2024
User can search file types like ifc, step stl etc.
Now search finds object by the filetype of the attached file. System makes easy to find pdf files or NC-files for example.
System reads subscription information from the MyVertex
System reads license information from MyVertex. In addition the system show information if invitation to join Sync organization is sent but the user has not accepted it yet.
Only organization admin can see CAD custom environments
Your CAD design environment are visible only for administrators. All other user have no view or access to environments. In this way environments are safe from unwanted modifications and on the other hand environments do not affect the normal use of Sync.
Users has easy access to building’s 3D view
System offer an easy access to building’s 3D model on buidings preview image. Clicking the ‘Open on 3D view’ open the building 3D model* in Sync’s 3D viewer.
3D model is available only if it has been selected to create when the building is uploaded from CAD.
Organization administrator can resend invitations
Organization administrator can resend invitation email for the user. Resend email when the original email’s link has been already deprecated or the user has accidentally deleted the original message.
User can select default filtering for the front page
User can select default filter for front pages ‘All’ tab. User can select one of base object types or ‘None’. If the user selects ‘None’ automatic filtering is not done.
As a default the filter option is set to ‘Building’.
![all default filter.png](../__attachments/237731842/all%20default%20filter.png?inst-v=3e21acfc-18ca-4e4a-9d81-757b858d2295)
All updates for this release
Release notes - Sync - 1.0.0-beta
VXSYNC-671 Add an endpoint to tenantservice that allows creating tenants from myvertex with vertexid authentication
VXSYNC-714 Update sync keycloak to latest version
VXSYNC-721 Rethink tenantservice Keycloak realms update
VXSYNC-777 Add missing nc-output file types into default file associations
VXSYNC-806 Update the role and file associations view's save and close icons on narrow screens.
VXSYNC-807 Composition and aggregation should work in the same way for rights.
VXSYNC-811 Add warning to Move and Object page, if there is a cyclic structure forming/existing.
VXSYNC-836 Sync should response if workspace version is allowed to access the data
VXSYNC-841 Entity access management should respect reservation
VXSYNC-843 Link tenants user to vertexId-user in keycloak
VXSYNC-847 Change the Vertex Portal to MyVertex in the application menu
VXSYNC-848 Implement the tenant change feature into Sync
VXSYNC-866 Refactor entity move
VXSYNC-904 Add new 'Template' and 'NC-output' labels into default label set and fix misspelling
VXSYNC-914 Set 'Building' filter on as default on 'All' tab if there's buildings in Sync
VXSYNC-915 Investigate 409 errors and correct the root cause
VXSYNC-926 Change behaviour of reservation/release in object hierarchy.
VXSYNC-934 Add API end point to ensure that Sync has no building with given code already
VXSYNC-939 Ensure that a failed revision does not increase the revision number.
VXSYNC-944 Aggregation access inheritance should be optional
VXSYNC-945 Composition children should have only inherited accesses on creation
VXSYNC-968 Add into update entity API end point an option to ignore aggregationParents and compositionParents lists existing in request
VXSYNC-969 Add possibility to resend sync user invitation via Sync user interface
VXSYNC-979 Add default autolabel rule and label for published items
VXSYNC-981 Adjust filter row's spacing so that 'Clear' button is not faded
VXSYNC-997 Limit available revision format types to three
VXSYNC-998 Add API end points to add and remove connections to/from entity
VXSYNC-1007 Change user edit for email and name to go through VertexID
VXSYNC-1008 Update Sync automatic labeling rules to match new CAD document types
VXSYNC-1024 Open vertex applications in same window when clicked from application-menu
VXSYNC-1025 Disable resend invitation button while the invitation is being sent
VXSYNC-1029 Release 1.0.0-beta
VXSYNC-642 Locked entity is also removed when parent is removed
VXSYNC-731 Special characters does not work when importing users from .csv file
VXSYNC-796 Referencing object operations may cause changes to file service even if the transaction in entity service is rolled back
VXSYNC-812 Current user information does not update except in initialization
VXSYNC-837 Fix revision formats in backend
VXSYNC-858 Labels are not sorted in label menus
VXSYNC-877 Locks are not removed in copy
VXSYNC-885 Deleting an entity in a branch that has an older revision outside the branch creates faulty data when merged
VXSYNC-889 Hide all not implemented features from 3D viewer
VXSYNC-892 Attached file's type should be visible on grid and row items
VXSYNC-895 Thumbnailer does not work
VXSYNC-897 Sync UI pipeline is failing
VXSYNC-903 Admin role's permission points are wrong colour
VXSYNC-907 Autolabel rule dialog changes uppercases to lower case.
VXSYNC-909 Reservation is not removed from old revisions
VXSYNC-910 ClientSystemFile field is readonly
VXSYNC-911 Move sometimes fails
VXSYNC-927 User may get access to a building even the user should not get it.
VXSYNC-936 Missing button prompt on 'Delete label' confirmation dialog
VXSYNC-937 Fix scroll bar on context menu
VXSYNC-947 Licenses should not be fetched outside of admin panel
VXSYNC-948 Preview image is not visible and white background on preview
VXSYNC-950 Labels not alphabetically sorted
VXSYNC-957 Entity hierarchy requests handle HierarchyDirection.NONE improperly
VXSYNC-971 Old revisions' Overwrite locks should not be openable
VXSYNC-1001 Object type drop-down list is empty when adding new filetype-object type map item
VXSYNC-1002 Tenant service's end point does not return groups but staff group
VXSYNC-161 System reads subscription information from the MyVertex
VXSYNC-162 User can manage his own account information
VXSYNC-163 Admin can disallocate Sync subscription for the users
VXSYNC-616 As an admin I don't want anyone else to see CAD custom environments or environments' children objects in Sync user interface.
VXSYNC-675 Users finds the .glb from under building easily
VXSYNC-678 User can search file types like ifc, step stl etc.
VXSYNC-702 Only organization admin can see CAD custom environments
VXSYNC-802 Organization admin can login to "normal" side of the sync with admin privileges to unlock objects