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Release notes 1.0.0-alpha.8

Version 1.0.0-alpha.8 release date 27.11.2023

All updates for this release


VXSYNC-170 Ensure indexes are created when inserting a document into MongoDB

VXSYNC-522 Remove show preview icon from grid items. Open the preview by clicking the thumbnail image instead

VXSYNC-523 Moved groups at the top of the selection drop down menu in access management

VXSYNC-727 Improve UI and consistency in inputs

VXSYNC-733 Hide 'Code' field from user interface from all objects but buildings

VXSYNC-742 Check user welcome dialogs image sizes

VXSYNC-758 Improve performance of database queries.

VXSYNC-764 Add information in which version setup was completed

VXSYNC-783 Use payload file as preview if it is supported and preview file doesn't exist


VXSYNC-423 Wrong font style and size in Search's select type menu

VXSYNC-425 System gives various open API errors

VXSYNC-556 Tree items are not sorted

VXSYNC-632 Relations should get disabled when filtered entities does not include all relation types

VXSYNC-634 System sends an email every time user information is updated

VXSYNC-643 Linking makes duplicate request to Recently Worked On list which causes "409 Conflict" -response

VXSYNC-657 Cycle-structure with two entities breaks entity-view

VXSYNC-667 Copy faultily copies predecessor and successor

VXSYNC-681 Access should also be modifiable for non-admins

VXSYNC-685 User role change should not require email verification by the user

VXSYNC-691 Overwrite lock is also copied on revise

VXSYNC-692 Empty Recycle bin removes items the user has no access.

VXSYNC-701 System does not redirect user into correct location after login

VXSYNC-706 Investigate why refresh token does not work properly

VXSYNC-715 Fix UI with long names and spaces in first name or last name

VXSYNC-720 User update does not update email and sends unwanted email verifications

VXSYNC-728 Lots of unnecessary notification when other user reserves a building

VXSYNC-740 Search gives NG0600 error

VXSYNC-741 Multi selection does not work

VXSYNC-743 File services Postman tests are broken

VXSYNC-745 UI tries to fetch auto labeling rules in entity view

VXSYNC-746 Automatic labels created via welcome flow cannot be updated

VXSYNC-747 Entity copy may use the wrong sequence

VXSYNC-751 Role-management view doesn't keep edit-state when sorting list

VXSYNC-752 File-extensions can not be modified in admin's File associations page

VXSYNC-755 Fix user view infinite loading spinner if user does not exist

VXSYNC-757 Branch creation excludes associations

VXSYNC-767 Admin cannot add new file type association

VXSYNC-775 File preview does not work correctly in case of file coming from CAD

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