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Revisiotaulun kenttien pidennys / Extend field lengths in revision table

Piirustus-lomakkeella olevan REVISION-makron kenttien pituuksia voi muokata.

Jos lomake on Vertex-toimituksen mukainen, niin REVISIO-makro sisältää seuraavan:

  1. exec_file G4Picrev_table_up.prg
  2. include ./G4Picrev_table_up

Kenttien pituudet määritetään listausformaattissa /system/forms/G4Picrev_table_list_up.

Kopioi ensin tiedosto kansiosta /system/forms/ kansioon /custom/forms/.

Tiedostosta pitää muokata riviä: table_cells_format= (W11AL CD,W130AL CR,W26.2AL CD,W14.5 AL CD,W14.5 AL CD)

Makro listaa tietokantaa /shared/dbases/d_PIC_REV. Muista myös tarkistaa tietokannan muodon määrittelyllä kentän maksimipituus.

Avainsanat: revisio, lomake, arkkipohja, makro, pituus, kentän pituus, pidennys, revisio-makro, muokkaus

You can extend the field lengths in the drawing template's REVISION macro.

The macro contains the following texts by default.

  1. exec_file G4Picrev_table_up.prg
  2. include ./G4Picrev_table_up

The definition of field lengths are located in the format file /system/forms/G4Picrev_table_list_up.

First copy the file from here /system/forms/ to here /custom/forms/ before you edit it.

This is the row you need to edit: table_cells_format= (W11AL CD,W130AL CR,W26.2AL CD,W14.5 AL CD,W14.5 AL CD)

The macro lists the database /shared/dbases/d_PIC_REV to the table. Please check the maximum lenghts of the fields from the database by using the function Define structure (Sheet System > Maintenance > Define structure).

Keywords: revision, template, sheet, macro, length, field length, extension, extend, revision macro, modifiction, edit

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