Context-sensitive function: Snap >Intersection (S)
Context-sensitive function: Copy
Context-sensitive function: Save as assembly...
Handling the main assembly
Open the model of your main assembly
Open the model of your main assembly (EXP-MAIN.vxm) from the previous exercise.
Open the basic browser by pressing Band find the segment Documents.
The segment Documentsdivides into two main branches Modeland Drawing.
Search the folder of your project from the branch Model. Then double-click it to open the model.
You can find more information about the browser here.
Edit the building model
Select the building model (EXP-BUILDING) from the assembly tree.
Context-sensitive function: Edit or double-click the sub-assembly from the assembly tree, in picture 1).
You are now at the editing state of the building model. You can see the symbols of other assemblies as unsharp in the tree. The symbol of the model you are editing is sharp in the tree.
Add a reference grid
Tab Assembly > Select a function Define reference grid from the ribbon.
A window Project's reference grid database opens, in picture 1).
Delete first example grids (Delete row) or disable them (Apply= 0) in picture 2) and 3).
Create a new reference grid by clicking the button Add row, in picture 4) > Rename it to Groundlevel, in picture 5).
Select the first line from direction Xand click the button Add a new grid line definition to the active direction, in picture 6) > The program adds a new line with a label B > Change the value of the field Distance to grid origin (mm) to 3000, in picture 7).
Repeat the action to the direction Xuntil you have labels from Ato E. The distance of label E to the grid's origin should be 12000.
Create the labels from 1to 5to the Ydirection with the same method.
Add four labels +0.0, +4.0, +8.0, and +12.0 to the Zdirection. Use the distance of 4000 mm between the lines.
Save the changes. Click the button Applyto activate your grid, in picture 8) and 9).
Close the window by clicking the button Exit, in picture 10).
Now you have a local part called Groundlevel under your building model.
Activate reference geometry if you don't see your grid on the screen > Letter Gfrom the keyboard or the button Show Reference Geometry from the tool strip.
You can edit your grid by going back to the function Define reference grid.
Model the floor
Starting modeling a part and moving to sketch
Create a new local part to your building model:
Context-sensitive function: New... in picture 1).
Select the document type as Part, in picture 2).
Type a label Floor to the part, in picture 3).
Enable the check-box Local, in picture 4).
Finally click OK, in picture 5).
You will now move to the part modeling state.
Ribbon: Start the function Sketch to face or line > To horizontal (XY) plane, in picture 6).
Sketch settings
In the beginning, it may be easier to draw a sketch if the sketch plane is perpendicular to you.
You get a perpendicular sketch when you have selected Perpendicular in the Settings group on the ribbon.
To draw a sketch, use the line style Shape.
Guide line is shown only in the sketch.
Construction line is shown as an auxiliary geometry, but it does not participate in the extrusion operation.
Sketch line chain
Use the function: Polyline, in picture 1).
Draw the line chain:
Select the sketch origin (blue cross) as the first point, in picture 2).
Start drawing the line chain upwards parallel to the y-axis, in picture 3).
Lock movement to the x-axis with the keyboard shortcut U.
Lock movement to the y-axis with the keyboard shortcut I.
Please check the the final shape of the line chain from the picture on the right.
You can use the grid lines while drawing this line chain after locking the movent parallel to the main axis.
When you are sketching the lowest horizontal line, snap the end point to the origin, in picture 4) and 2).
Use the function: Dimensioning.
Select the line to be dimensioned, in picture 1).
Select the location for dimension, in picture 2).
The program opens the window Edit dimensions.
Type the value 12000, in picture 3).
Approve by clicking OK, in picture 4).
Define the remaining lines according to the picture on the right.
Eventually, your sketch is fully defined.
Dimensioning options
With the function Dimension, you click a single line, which gives the length of a segment, the radius of an arc, or the diameter of a circle.
With the function Distance, you always click two elements (lines or points).
If you click two lines, the program also turns the lines parallel.
Extrude the sketch
Approve the sketch: OK.
Change the extrusion direction (downwards from XY plane) by clicking the button Flip, in picture 1). Rotate the sketch for a better view, if needed.
Type the extrusion length 250 to the field Length or Angle, in picture 2).
Approve Extrusion data by clicking OK.
Return to the assembly mode: OK.
Your local Floormodel is now ready.
Adding walls
Add the first wall to the assembly
Context-sensitive function: Add> Component...
Select the folder Basic_Shapes.
Select the component rectangleand double-click it.
Define the dimensions:
a= 12000
b= 250
h= 6000
Then OK.
Place the wall element to assembly's origin. Be sure that the element is on top of the floor, like in the picture on the right.
Use these functions to help your task:
Rotate the wall element once 90 degrees around the z-axis.
Change the reference point (F8) to a different corner.
Place the element to the assembly's origin either with the buttonor by selecting the origin itself.
End the function: Escfrom your keyboard or context-sensitive function: Esc.
Select the wall from the model window or assembly tree:
The profile automatically locks itself on the z-axis according to the surface normal.
Route 6000 mm.
You can start typing the distance with your keyboard's number buttons and approve the value by pressing Enterfrom the keyboard.
Alternatively, you can use the gridlines and click the line which elevation is 6000 mm.
Add profiles to the intersections 3-B, 4-B, 2-C, 3-C, and 4-C.
Select one profile and use context-sensitive function Copy.
You can copy multiple profiles simultaneously and use endpoints of gridlines to place the new profiles.
Select all six profiles from the model or assembly tree > Context-sensitive function: Save as assembly... > Type a label Steel-Beams and enable the check-box Local.
The building model is now ready.
Save the model
Return to the main assembly level on the model > Working window > Right mouse button > OK. This action will save the changes of the sub-assembly to the archive.
Save the main assembly also: File > Save or click or from your keyboard + .