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Release Notes 1.0.4

October 21, 2024


MYVX-411 Make UI overhaul according to the best practices of Material Design 3

MYVX-620 Refactor the pricing interval toggle to indicate the status more clearly

MYVX-761 Improve Sync organization input validation

MYVX-792 Improve the appearance of the logout button

MYVX-794 Improve "Update your account" dialog

MYVX-824 Remove Surveymonkey from FastSpring's deactivation emails

MYVX-826 Remove license's free to assign/free to activate text if the license is deactivated

MYVX-885 Improve "Update password" dialog


MYVX-640 User profile should use ERP data instead of data from token

MYVX-732 Account management's Sync link leads to a blank page

MYVX-771 VertexId can be overwritten as null if not given during updateUser patch-request

MYVX-853 Console errors are thrown during backchannel logout

MYVX-876 Application menu is not working with Material 15

MYVX-886 Company cannot be created after registering a new user


MYVX-867 Admin can remove a user from the company

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