Release Notes 1.0.0
MYVX-617 Add confirmation dialog to the reinvite button
MYVX-655 Create REST API tests for getEstimationForSubscriptionChange and upgradeSubscriptionWithProration endpoints
MYVX-656 Improve order-list-item for prorated orders
MYVX-677 Prepare MyVertex UI for FastSpring Net Pricing Mode
MYVX-682 Update the Sync trial info texts to a more informative format
MYVX-684 Small improvements to Sync organizations view
MYVX-707 Improve the contrast for snackbars
MYVX-736 Hide the cents from the product prices
MYVX-765 Update the store background image
MYVX-766 Add a FAQ link to the store under the products
MYVX-768 Increase maxIdTokenIatOffsetAllowedInSeconds from 30s to 5m
MYVX-735 Get licenses by companyId returns 500 if no licenses are found
MYVX-739 Subscription view's next charge value is not showing gross price correctly
MYVX-760 Changing the active company after making a purchase opens the FastSpring popup again
MYVX-50 Planning: As a company admin I can download installation/upgrade/update packages
MYVX-679 User can register for MyVertex during the checkout process
MYVX-680 User can see when decreasing the license amount will remove the item from the cart
MYVX-734 Licenses, subscriptions, and orders are sorted by creation date by default