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View G4 Model Indexes


This function can be useful for troubleshooting certain issues between the Vertex G4 model and Flow. If Flow cannot display the index identifier on the item’s structure line, the component may not exist in the G4 assembly model.

Vertex G4 Assembly Model Index:

Vertex G4 automatically assigns an index, or "sequence number," to parts when they are added to the assembly. The first part receives index #100, the second #101, the third #102, and so forth.

View G4 Model Indexes

  1. Select the Archive tab.

  2. Find and select the item whose structure you want to inspect.

  3. Select the Details page within the Structure section.

  4. Hover over the info icon.

  • Flow will display the part's index and structrid information in the tooltip.

The structrid information, or row identifier, is used in updating part numbers in Vertex G4 drawings.

  • This identifier links the structure row in Flow to the part number bubble in the G4 drawing.

  • This information is necessary when updating the drawing if part numbering is changed on the Flow side.

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