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Use Mapping tool

Purpose of use

The Mapping Tool in Flow collects instruction-classified documents related to the product structure into a PDF book or alternatively into a zipped folder structure where it stores PDF files.

Printing the map requires that the delivery package (top-level item) is linked to the product or project (or sub-project).


Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions are increasingly required as a compilation tailored to the delivered device's specifications.

  • Vertex Flow's Mapping Tool operates by collecting instruction-classified documents related to product structure items into a PDF book or folder structure.

  • This book thus represents instructions tailored to the specific delivered assembly.

Instructions related to Mapping tools

(1) Select the product or project associated with a structural item.

(2) Choose Tools > Mapping Tool.

  • Flow opens the dialog box "Create PDF Book: XYZ."

(3) Select the Bookmark from the dropdown list.

  • Only bookmarks set as base bookmarks are available for selection.

(4) Choose the file type.

  • PDF: PDF Book ZIP: Flow creates a folder structure where folders correspond to bookmarks and PDF files are stored within.

  • Flow saves the folder structure as a ZIP package.

(5) Select the language.

  • If no content language is selected, the default language will be used.

(6) Select the page size.

(7) Choose the orientation of the PDF book pages.

  • Horizontal or Vertical.

(8) Optionally, select Build Table of Contents.

(9) Optionally, add a Cover Page.

(10) Optionally, select the levels from which the PDF book will be compiled.

  • By default (-), documentation is gathered from all levels.

(11) Click Create.

  • Flow creates a PDF book from the documents and adds a link to "Created.

The use of the Binder Tool requires that the user belongs to a group with the permission "Product model configurator" added to its attributes.

Administrator functions

Set a bookmark as base

The use of the Mapping Tool requires selecting a bookmark as base.

  • Only those bookmarks that have been set as base can be selected.

  • Other bookmarks will not appear in the selection. (1) Select the Archive tab.

(2) Choose Others > Bookmark.

(3) Select the action Search or choose Class which retrieves the relevant bookmarks.

(4) Choose the bookmark.

(5) Select the action Bookmark > Set as base.

  • Flow will prompt for confirmation. (6) Select OK.

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