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Documents Needed for Production

Manufacturing a product typically involves several stages. Each workstation requires a drawing to guide the production process. Flow automatically generates PDF files from the drawings. The visibility of these drawings can be adjusted so that only approved drawings are viewable in production. A single printed drawing can easily be lost, but the electronic archive in Flow ensures that drawings are always found in the correct location within the item structure. Additionally, the PDF file of the model is available for production use and can be examined by zooming and rotating in a PDF viewer, providing a clearer understanding of the part to be manufactured compared to a 2D drawing alone.


It is important that each item has a uniquely numbered identifier and that there are no multiple item numbers for the same item. Flow has advanced search methods that allow for the identification of items, thus avoiding duplicates. When a new item is created, its unique identifier is automatically assigned from Flow's series. Assemblies where the item is used can be easily identified. The items and design structures in Flow can be transferred directly to the ERP system once the items are approved for production. The production planner can use the design structure transferred to the ERP system to complete the task list for each workstation. In Flow, it is also possible to maintain the work stages associated with the design structure. This maintenance can be managed between the ERP and Flow as needed. The design structure includes the quantities of each subassembly. For each part, the structure indicates the quantity as well as the consumption in material units (e.g., mm or kg).

Manufacturing with Correct Document Revisions

Changes to approved items and drawings after the start of production are managed with revisions in Flow. All revisions of an item or drawing are compatible and thus interchangeable. Older revisions in stock can be utilized within the parameters allowed by the management.

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