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Language support of Flow


Flow's language support is divided into two categories: user interface language and content language. Content language refers to the language used to input information into Flow.

  • The user interface languages in Flow are Finnish and English.

  • Flow's standard delivery supports default language (Finnish or another language) and English as content languages.

  • If additional languages are needed as content languages besides Finnish and English, the software provider adds them.

For the support of two different languages in Flow, there are separate Finnish and English fields for the following object types:

  • For Items: description and description2 fields

  • For Models: description, description2, and description3 fields

  • For Drawings: description, description2, and description3 fields

Choose the language of the user interface and content

(1) Select the Profile option from the user menu.

(2) Select Language (UI) from the dropdown menu.

  • <Default>

  • Finnish (Finland)

  • English (United States) english (Finland)

(3) Select Language (Content) from the dropdown menu.

  • -

  • en (English)

(4) Select the Save action.

  • Flow changes the language of the user interface according to your selection to Finnish or English.

Example: The user interface language on the left is Finnish and on the right is English.

  • The content language is Finnish.

Search for documents in two different languages

Quick search supports two languages, meaning it searches both from default language (Finnish) and English language fields.

For items, models, and drawings, there are separate default language (Finnish) and English

The search results are displayed in the content language of your choice

Content language-based listing is used in the following listings:

  • Interface Listings

  • Quick search listing

  • Model, drawing, and item search (description, description 2)

  • Item search in the product structure

  • Product structure views

  • Revision function

  • Search for item & document structures

  • Item > Where Used function

If information is not available in your selected content language, the data will be displayed in the default language (fields DESCR and DESCR2_FI).

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