At the installation site, the team is on the customer’s property and out of reach of many of the company’s functions. If the company uses the Flow system, the installer can directly access the drawings and models of the product to be installed from Flow. All drawings and models retrieved from Flow are guaranteed to be up to date. If the installation site is in a different time zone than the company’s headquarters, the design department wouldn’t even be able to assist the installer at all times during the installation work. Since the progress of the installation is crucial, there is no room for delays, making the ability to independently access up-to-date information even more important.
Some installations require reporting. In Flow, the installer can save the installation report directly into the Flow system, where the project management can review the report immediately while it is still fresh. If issues are identified at the installation site that can be addressed through product design, the installer can create a development suggestion. This development suggestion is assigned to the person responsible for development work. This person can see their assigned development suggestions in Flow upon logging in, provide feedback, and delegate the development tasks further. This way, issues identified during the installation can be evaluated and addressed right away.
Sometimes installation work requires modifications to parts at the installation site. In these cases, it involves an as-built structure. This information needs to be communicated to design, as otherwise, the installed product will no longer match the documents stored during the design phase. The installer can save a development suggestion in Flow at any time to ensure that changes made at the installation site are not forgotten. Some modifications to the item structure (e.g., adding sealing adhesive or changing a bearing) can be corrected directly in Flow at the installation site, provided that the company’s practices regarding revisions and the recording of as-built structures are followed.
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