Define mandatory connection
In some Flow systems, when adding a document, users may want to be forced to associate it with, for example, a customer or a project.
This is defined by system-specific keywords that are not included in the standard delivery and thus need to be added.
The administrator can add the necessary keywords to Flow.
Keyword Syntax
The keyword name is in the format of pdm.required.connection.type1.
The keyword value is in the format of type2, type3, ...
Where type1 is the identifier of the object type being added.
Where type2 and optionally type3 are identifiers of related object types.
If there are multiple mandatory object types to be attached, they are separated by commas.
Add or Edit Keywords
(1) Select the Portal function from the user menu.
(2) Select System Administration > Miscellaneous > System Settings.
Flow displays the system keywords.
(3) Add a new keyword if necessary by selecting the New function.
Flow opens a dialog box titled Create New System Keyword.
(4) Enter the keyword into the Property name field.
(5) Enter the value of the keyword into the Property value field.
If there are two or more values, separate them with commas.
(6) Enter the description of the keyword into the Description field.
(7) Select the keyword group from the Group field.
Use the group "Other" for the keywords described below.
(8) Save the keyword by selecting the Save function.
Attaching a new document is mandatory
Keyword: pdm.required.connection.document
Value: Identifier of the object type to be attached, e.g., project, product, customer
Example: The document must be attached to both a project and a product.
pdm.required.connection.document = project, product
Attaching a new drawing is mandatory
Keyword: pdm.required.connection.drawing
Value: Identifier of the object type to be attached, e.g., project, product, customer
Example: The project must be attached to a customer.
pdm.required.connection.project = customer
Mandatory connection for other object types
For other object types, the syntax of the keyword follows the same rule as mentioned above.
Refer to the identifiers of other types from the id column in the image here.