Create a new Price Book
Price or cost calculation requires that the necessary price list is created and published, and prices are entered for the items.
See: Create a new price list.
Prices or costs can be calculated for a project or product associated with an item structure.
For general information about price lists: Using the Price List.
Create a new Price Book
(1) Open the project associated with the product structure (= item structure).
(2) Then initiate the action Project > Calculate Price.
Flow opens the Reports XXXX dialog box (e.g., P000004).
Only published price lists are displayed on the list.
(3) Select the report template from the list.
(4) Select the price list.
Select the radio button in the Price List field.
Choose the price list from the list.
(5) If necessary, select the distribution channel.
Select the radio button in the Distribution Channel field.
Choose the distribution channel from the list.
(6) Select the action Create.
Flow creates the price report in the browser's download section.
(7) Open the price calculation from the browser's download section.
Calculate the price of the product.
(1) Open the product associated with the product structure (= item structure).
(2) Select the item related to the product.
You can select the item from the tree in the Archive tab or from the Links section.
(3) Select the action Item > Calculate Price.
Flow opens the Reports XXXX dialog box (e.g., G0002).
(4) Select the price list.
Select the radio button in the Price List field. Choose the price list from the list.
(5) If necessary, select the distribution channel.
Select the radio button in the Distribution Channel field. Choose the distribution channel from the list.
(6) Select the action Create.
Flow creates the price report in the browser's download section.
(7) Open the price calculation from the browser's download section.
Calculate the price with the configurator
The price of the product can also be calculated using Flow's configurator.
See Configuration Example.