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Use of the Price Book


A price list is needed if you want to perform cost calculation for a project or product (item structure).

The calculation of prices is based on item structures and the fact that the items and resources added to the structure have price information linked to the price list selected for the calculation.

  • There can be multiple price details for a single item, e.g., cost price, campaign price, and sales prices for different market areas.

  • A separate price list must be created for each of these different prices.

  • The costs of the project and product are collected through the product's item structures based on unit prices and quantities.

A separate price can be defined for subassemblies (subassembly item structure), in which case that price is used in the pricing of the top-level product structure, instead of the price information of the individual items under the subassembly.

It may be necessary to use multiple different price lists as needed, for example, to calculate cost prices or regionally defined prices.

The main stages of cost accounting

(1) Create a new price list

Add the necessary price information (e.g., from ERP) Publish the price list. See: Create a new price list.

(2) Calculate the costs of the project or product using the specified price list.

See: Perform price calculation.

Calculate the price with the configurator

The product price can also be calculated using Flow's configurator.

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