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WordPad Removed from Windows 11 Starting from Version 24H2

Microsoft has confirmed that WordPad is no longer being updated and it will be removed from Windows 11, starting from version 24H2. Microsoft recommends Microsoft Word for rich text documents like .doc and .rtf and Windows Notepad for plain text documents like .txt.

Vertex CAD programs have functions that open listings and schedules in the default text editor defined in the user/SETUP file with the keyword text_editor. Until now, the default has been WordPad, but the user has been able to change it to, for example, Notepad or Word. Until now, the default configuration has been:

text_editor= txt write

WordPad opens text files with txt extension.

text_editor= none write

WordPad opens text files without file extension.

You can change the configuration to, for example:

text_editor= txt notepad

Notepad opens text files with txt extension.

text_editor= none notepad

Notepad opens text files without file extension.

You can also set Microsoft Word as the text editor by entering the full name of the program file with the file path as the keyword value. Add quotation marks around the file name. The file path depends on the operating system and Office version. For example:

text_editor= txt "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE"


Starting with Vertex CAD versions 2025 (31.0), it is possible to set the default text editor in the system settings using the keyword text_editor. The value of the keyword in the system settings overrides the value of the keyword set in the user/SETUP file.

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