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Wall Openings: Set Quantity of Side Studs

This article introduces how to set the side studs quantity into the wall openings in structural model.

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  1. Open Wall Properties dialog and activate the main frame layer of the wall. Wall Properties dialog is visible while a new wall is inserted to model or double clicking any exist wall in the model. Click right mouse button and select Framing tools function.
  2. Select Frame: Openings tab and define the quantity of King studs. Openings are divided into three groups by the width of the opening and the each group has a drop down list to define the quantity of King studs. In the screen shot example narrower openings than 1200 mm belongs to the group one. The second groups consist of the openings where the width between 1200 - 1800 mm. All openings where the width is wider than 1800 mm belongs to the third group.
  3. Update Framing tools attributes before to generate wall panels. Changes of Framing tool attributes in wall doesn't effect to the Framing tools of wall panel if the panel is already created.

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